A short scene and a writing challenge

Hi everyone. I enjoy reading erotic fiction and wanted to try writing it, but I don't feel confident writing sex scenes because of my lack of practical experience in that area. That lead to my idea for a writing challenge which I now put to anyone who wants to take it up: write the hottest scene you can without involving the most often sexualised body parts – no boobs, no butts and no genitals. If you do take up the challenge please feel free to post the results in the comments.

I've also written my own scene which follows. It's written entirely from the perspective of the male character as i have trouble getting into female characters' heads, so if anyone would like to take a shot at writing the same scene from the woman's perspective I'd be fascinated to read that too.

So without further ado, here is my attempt at the challenge. Hope you enjoy it.

The Kiss

Standing in a darkened room with friends. Everyone’s facing the same direction, watching a screen. Someone’s slideshow of their holidays. I don’t know where they went. Don’t care, really.