Just desserts

The fact is, I was really looking forward to her visit. She and I met online at a spanking site and had hit it off quite well. When I invited Tasha to come out and stay for the weekend, she said she couldn’t wait. Apparently, that was an understatement.

Imagine my surprise when, instead of arriving Saturday morning as planned, I found her at my door on Friday afternoon.

“Oh! Hi!” I exclaimed.

While giving her a welcoming hug, I nervously glanced over my shoulder at my apartment which wasn’t as tidied up as I like to have it while entertaining guests.

“Don’t worry about it!” she said when I apologized for the minor mess.

Nevertheless, I quickly headed into the kitchen to push a few forks and dishes into the sink as she made herself comfortable in the living room. Then, after fixing Tasha a drink, it was into the bathroom to make sure everything was shipshape.

Tasha seemed a bit miffed when I told her I had to go out and do a few things before starting our weekend together. Her irritable mood made for a long afternoon as we went about running errands.

Movie night for Daddys little girl. M/F

“Daddy, I’m horny and desperate for you’re cock.”

“Well sweetie, I’m not really sure right now works for me. I have an important phone call in a few minutes and its quite important. ”

“That’s no fair. You don’t give me any attention anymore!”

You storm off as my phone rings and I take my phone call.

While on the phone I heard you slamming doors and saying passive aggressive remarks under your breath. This kind of behavior needs correcting…

I go about my day and your mood sours into the night.

“Kitten! Can you come here? I came up with a grand idea!”

“Yes Daddy? What do you want?”

“I know I’ve been neglecting you for the past few days. So how about playing a little game with me and you’ll get a reward if you behave?”

“Whats the idea daddy?”

“I’ll be letting you sit on my cock while we watch a movie. If you can behave and stay still without touching yourself or trying for more you’d be rewarded. If not… the movie restarts.”

“Oh my God! That sounds hot! Let’s do it!”

A punishment for a naughty girl. M/F

You have once again committed a crime against our household.

I grab you by the throat with my right hand and you by the pussy with my left and put you against the wall. You struggle to move, the small amount of movement you can muster only helps me all the more. I pull your shirt and bra down with my teeth while rubbing you with my left hand.

Once your gorgeous breasts are free, I start sucking gently at them. But that doesn’t last long. As you fight to be free, I slip my left hand down into your panties while my right is holding you against the wall still by your throat.

One finger slips into your pussy and as you squirm it gives you all the more punishment. I decide, sucking on your nipples isn’t enough for how naughty you’ve been so I start to gently bite your nipples. I slip another finger inside you and curl them as the slide in and out of your pussy. I give each nipple a last little tease before I stand up and face you face to face. My fingers sliding out of your pussy slowly, making sure I hit the G spot on the way out.
As you shudder, I pounce, and my lips meet yours. I slide my tongue into your mouth and kiss you furiously. My right hand which was still pinning you against the wall at this point moves around to the back if your head.

Late for work punishment for the brat. M/F CNC

You’ve been teasing me all week. Grabbing my dick in the grocery store, sending me nude pictures of yourself while I’m at work, and just being a brat.

So, one night I intentionally misplace a lot of things for you. Your lunch box, work badge, and finally your car keys. You’re completely scrambling to get out the door so you’re not late for work.

That’s when I corner you and show you your car keys.

“Please babe. I don’t have time for this. I need to leave like right now!”

You try grabbing them from me but instead I grabbed you.

“Nope! You’ve been a complete brat and now it’s time for You’re punishment.”

I wrestle you down to the ground and pull down your pants.

“Baby, please no!”

I completely ignore your pleas for mercy. You then try desperately to break free but I still get you on the ground.

I pull out a thing of Lube and spread it all over your vag. You’re begging me to stop but you are deserving of this punishment.

A sharp tease experience M/F

 I decided to fulfill one of her darkest fantasies. I led her to a dark, dimly lit room. She meekly followed me inside and saw the table with restraints with a knife sticking straight up..

“Get on the table now!”

She quickly complied with my command. 

I slowly began to tie her limbs to each corner of the table.

Once properly secured and blinded, I began to sharpen my knife on my stone. I take my time so the suspense just builds from the silence but my knife sharpening.

 I hover over her and I carefully start to slowly cut the clothing off.

Starting with the outer layer, she feels the knife sliding against her skin. It’s cold, hard, and every once in a while she feels the sharp tip.

Once the top layer is removed, she is left bare besides just her underwear.

I can’t just be efficient here. I have to tease her. Will I be cutting this bra strap? Will it be the side of the panties?

It’ll have to wait. I might have dulled the blade too much. I may have to pause, leaving her close to naked and blind. Feeling the cold breeze kissing her exposed skin while she hears the grinding.

A lovely birthday gift. M/F Anal

Lilith and I have been going out for over a year, and are very comfortable in each other’s company. We have great sex and are very compatible, except for one thing. I have developed something of an obsession with anal sex something, that until recently, was a definite no-no. I managed to get my wicked way on my birthday, and that is what I’m going to tell you about here.

We were sitting on our bed, sharing a joint by candlelight. I felt warm and happy inside, in that loved up kind of way. Lilith made me feel so relaxed and we made each other giggle like anything. Or maybe that was because we were both very stoned.

“Joint?” she said, dangling the end of it towards me. I slowly took it from her and our fingertips gently touched. I smiled at her. God, she was beautiful. Long, blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes that looked so peaceful. As I smoked the last of the joint, she gently started kissing my back, making it impossible to concentrate on anything. I put the joint down and turned round to kiss her. I gently stroked her hair back, which she completely loves.

An otherly hole experience. m/f

She was asleep on the couch, she was just laying there, beautiful as ever. I stared at her, like it was the first time I had seen her. Sometimes she just looked so vulnerable and so innocent. I ran my hand down her face, sometimes I just wanted to corrupt it. I got on the couch holding her in my arms, and kissed her neck. Even from behind I could feel her smile.

“Hey baby,” she yawned.

“Hey,” I kissed her, “How was your day?”

“Fine honey, just need something to take my mind off all this damn work.”

And thus my brilliant idea came to be, I wonder if she was wearing a bra.

“Guess what I wanna do.”

She turns around to face me, kisses me with those soft lips…she’s so innocent…so unsuspecting, “What?”

“Close your eyes, and I’ll be right back.”

Nothing wrong with a little car fun. M/F

Its a nice cool summer night. We have the windows down, driving the back roads, and blasting and singing along to all the small things by blink 182. When the song ends, it then switches to Animals by Nickelback.

You unbuckle your seat belt and scoot over to me. Reaching into my thighs and rubbing my dick. I get instantly hard from your touch. A few moments go by and we get to a stop sign and you’re already unbuckling my pants desperately trying to expose my hard cock. I sit up and pull my pants down making it far easier for you to reach your prize. When I’m pulling my pants off, your taking your shirt and bra off knowing how I love it when you play with me without a top on.

A fitting punishment.

You have once again committed a crime against our household.

I grab you by the throat with my right hand and you by the pussy with my left and put you against the wall. You struggle to move, the small amount of movement you can muster only helps me all the more. I pull your shirt and bra down with my teeth while rubbing you with my left hand.

Once your gorgeous breasts are free, I start sucking gently at them. But that doesn’t last long. As you fight to be free, I slip my left hand down into your panties while my right is holding you against the wall still by your throat.

One finger slips into your pussy and as you squirm it gives you all the more punishment. I decide, sucking on your nipples isn’t enough for how naughty you’ve been so I start to gently bite your nipples. I slip another finger inside you and curl them as the slide in and out of your pussy. I give each nipple a last little tease before I stand up and face you face to face. My fingers sliding out of your pussy slowly, making sure I hit the G spot on the way out.

A vampire encounter.

I see her chatting in the lounge. Her body silhouetted against the wall. I slip unnoticed into the back rooms without anyone greeting me. No one knows me here. To some I am a rogue, to others I am the ultimate sinner, but to all I am the hunter. I feel her follow me, into the empty room. She runs quickly after me, her petite figure trying to catch my long strides. Her hair wisps around her as she enters the room, her chest heaving and her heart racing from the chase. I can feel her blood pumping through her veins and the subtle scent of her womanly excitement. Normally a man would not notice, but my senses are heightening. I want her. My body is responding first to my primal need to feed and second to the urges of passion.