(M/F) Make me

You sit quietly, listening only part of the time the conversation around yourself. You look around at those sitting around the table. Anne catches your eye, seeming sympathetic to the boredom she must sense in my expression. You cross your legs and smile back, looking down at your hand running across the napkin in your lap.

He seems intensely interested in the subject at hand. He’s not given you as much as a single glance for what seems like ages. You find yourself wishing you had stayed at home. Why bother? These are his friends. Anne is nice enough, but the other couple…you can’t even remember their names.

You excuse yourself and walk slowly to the restroom, lingering in front of the mirror, checking your lipstick and pulling at your sweater. You stand there, waiting. A group of women walk in, laughing and talking excitedly amongst themselves, and you push your way out the door as they take over the small room.

(M/F) A costly mistake leads to a painful lesson.

I was running late for a lecture when it happened. The Porche in front of me hit the brakes suddenly and I was just slightly too close. I skidded agonisingly then with a delicate “crunch” came to a stop.

“Shit!” I said and got out to inspect the damage.

Surely it couldn’t be too bad.

An attractive blonde, maybe mid-30s emerged from the Porche, looking not surprisingly quite unhappy.
“Are you okay?” I asked anxiously.

She adjusted the jacket of her charcoal business suit, which truth be told, fitted her extremely well.
“Yes, I’m fine, you hardly touched me. Let’s hope there’s not too much damage.”

“Sorry, I was too close, I’m running late.”

Ironically, the bumper of my clunker was barely dented, but the back of her car was going to need some serious work. My heart sank.

“Well that’s not going to be cheap. I hope you’re insured.” She said.

I wasn’t, and as a university student there was no way I as going to be able to pay for the repairs.

“Right,” she sighed. “I live just around the corner. Follow me there and we’ll work something out.”

Just a few harmless messages… M/F

I won’t spend loads of time describing in great detail the exact circumstances of how this happened. I’m Lotty. I’m married. Before my husband, I dated Ben. It was nothing special. I loved him and he was indifferent to me, but I was young and I recovered quickly. I’ve never had much desire to see Ben again, but our paths crossed on a social networking website. We chatted a little and he’d been married and divorced. To be honest, it sounded like he was having a shit time and I felt for him. We messaged each other for quite some months on and off, straying at times into flirtiness, before he suggested I went round to his house. I knew I shouldn’t….. But I did.

I sat outside in the car for quite some time, debating whether it was a good idea to go in. Eventually I did. I was so nervous, that I was actually shaking a little. I’m not the sort of girl who sneaks about like this, and I’m cripplingly self conscious in male company.

We sat on the sofa politely chatting for a while. As anticipated, it progressed and soon we were kissing.

Categorized as Erotica

Making her cum…again M/F

Her hazel eyes wide and wild, her lengthy auburn hair disheveled, her nostrils flaring, her skin glistening, her body twisting, she rode the tumultuous waves of yet another climax, the penis gag unfortunately muffling her voice yet fortunately unable to silence her. Each uncontrolled, instinctive, primal movement of her pale lithe body caused the bed to squeal in protest, the chains connecting her cuffs to the bolts to clink, the swells upon her chest to undulate.

“Cum again,” I instructed, sitting at the edge of the bed and using a dampened washcloth to wipe away the sweat and cool her. “Cum again for me.”

Short of invoking her safegesture, she had no choice in the matter. Her head turned toward me for a moment, but her eyes were unfocused. Clearly, she had heard me, but I doubted that she had consciously understood what I had just said.

I plucked at her clitoris again and again and again, and her body lurched instantly, only the secure bonds preventing her from launching herself toward the ceiling as yet another climax ripped through her body with the force of a violent hurricane wind. The abrupt motion caused the pair of powerful vibrating bullets to shift inside her, I noted from the sudden change in their mesmerizing sound. Although muffled by the penis gag, her howl of release was intense, primal, beautiful.

A submissive on my table. M/F

She was down on her back on my solid oak table.

Her hands tied in front of her, above her belly button. Her upper body held captive in a web of thin elastic rope.

Her breasts, were still glowing from the whipping before she was placed on the table. Her eyes were covered with a blindfold held in place by a soft rope. Another rope was twisted around her head to keep her mouth open. In her ears, headphones with loud classical music. Around her neck, a rope that felt tight whenever she moved, but it only felt tight.

She must have felt totally out of control.

Her body was nicely tied to the table to make her immobile. With her feet tied close to her head, every part of her was easily accessible. In her ass, I had a plug and was held by the elastic rope from her back, through her labia to her belly button. Vulnerable and exposed she lay waiting for what was to come.

A vampiric encounter M/F

I see her chatting in the lounge. Her body silhouetted against the wall. I slip unnoticed into the back rooms without anyone greeting me. No one knows me here. To some I am a rogue, to others I am the ultimate sinner, but to all I am the hunter. I feel her follow me, into the empty room. She runs quickly after me, her petite figure trying to catch my long strides. Her hair wisps around her as she enters the room, her chest heaving and her heart racing from the chase. I can feel her blood pumping through her veins and the subtle scent of her womanly excitement. Normally a man would not notice, but my senses are heightening. I want her. My body is responding first to my primal need to feed and second to the urges of passion.

Categorized as Erotica

A wolf’s tale. M/F

The first I knew that I was being hunted was the arrow that sliced my shoulder. Its silver tip burning the skin as it grazed the flesh near my neck. Another couple of inches and it would have been my throat.

I spun round and scanned the tree line, the nails of my hands extending into claws. A slight tingle in my eyes and I was sure they had taken on their sky blue colouration. They always did when I released the wolf within. I controlled the power and urge to let my lupine side free. Many of my kin had met their end because they weren’t able to keep their beast under control.

I watched the tree line for signs of the next attack which I was sure would come. Ethereal fingers of fog glided through the tree as the waning moons light shattered and broke on the outstretched limbs of oak and pine, falling to earth in silver shards.

I allowed my lungs to fill with the night bourn smells of the forest. Two scents caught my attention, another wolf. A bitch if my nose didn’t deceive me and the fragrance of roses.

Trust me M/F

So let’s make one thing clear: When I touch you, when you give me permission to own every part of you, that includes your mind as much as your heart.

You, the whole girl, all of her, belongs to every and any part of me.

I know that when we’re together that you can’t turn your mind off. You worry about a thousand things from the time I see you until we’re finished. The way you can’t let go shines as concern in your eyes when I look you over. Comes out as your muscles flex at every touch. It calls out to me as I fuck you that you’re worried if I’m disappointed.

And I’ve let this go on long enough.

When you invited me into your life you gave me permission to do whatever I wanted with you. To turn you into a toy for my pleasure. And how can you serve me if you can’t stop your mind from running through a dozen thoughts each time I touch you?
It occurs me that you are never so concerned, and never as aware, as when I am going down on you. That’s when your self-prejudices and loathing hits a fever pitch. When it’s most evident that you can’t disentangle your body from your wonderful, educated mind. Which makes me believe that if I can own you as completely in that act as I do when we fuck, that you’ll truly be giving yourself to me.

A divorcees experience with a belt M/F

The knock at the hotel room door startles me out of my daydream, and I stand up quickly. I am unsure of how events are going to pan out, but am relieved that you have arrived, I had been fearful that you would back out, let your nerves overwhelm you.

I open the door, seeing what you look like for the first time, and you blush deeply as I take my time appraising you. As the seconds tick by you lower your head to avoid my gaze, and I smile to myself, gone already is the confident woman I have chatted to online, gone is the woman who only ten minutes before had been in the office, the boss of all around her. Now you stand there meek and ashamed.

Eventually I stand aside and instruct you to enter the room, go to the bathroom, strip, hang your clothes on the back of the door, put on the robe that is there and come back into the room.

The primal beast within

It started as a simple tease.

We were hinking in the forest and you decided to go off trail.

I followed you as the little puppy I am.

Some time went by and we found a small clearing with a Perfectly downed tree that I decided to use as a make shift bench.

“Perfect.” You said to me. Walking over to where I was sitting.

Without another word you come over and kneel infront of me. I can see the lustful intent in your eyes and I indulge you. I pull my cock out so you can satisfy your primal desire.

You happily start sucking my now stiff cock.

Something about these woods are bringing something out in me. I can feel my self growing bigger and thicker with each stroke of your beautiful lips on my stiff cock.

“Fuuuuckkkk.” I murmured.

I can feel myself ready to shoot my warm seed down your throat. My balls tighten and I pull out of your mouth to cover your face with my seed and my cock started to deflate.

“Alright babe. Let’s go home now.” You said.