[MF] The Weekend of Three Girls (19M & 19F) Part 4 – The Finale and Goodbyes

This is Part 4 of this saga and the finale.  For Part 3, see the following: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12yuaiv/mf_the_weekend_of_three_girls_19m_19f_part_3/
Once again, everyone is over the age of 18 and names have been changed for privacy.

Beth’s slap stung and now my face hurt.  After the slap, she walked away from me towards her class. 
Any seats in our mutual classes were moved and she didn’t speak to me, or acknowledge me again.  I walked over to a coffee shop and grabbed a large coffee for class and continued on with my
day with the thoughts of what had happened that weekend going through my head.
That day seemed to fly by.  Amanda and I would chat back and forth throughout the day with no hints about how Lynn was feeling.  That night, I waited in my room for Amanda to come over while doing some homework.  I was startled by a knock at my door and I walked over and opened it.  Amanda and Lynn were both standing there.  Amanda said, “We all need to talk about what happened and figure out how to move forward.”.  What came next was the longest night of my life so far.  Lynn was hurt that I was now with Amanda, and that she was the “other woman”.  She hadn’t realized that I had been with Beth the night we slept together and she had only said that Amanda could pursue me because they were friends.  I could have fought the conversation, but I just sat and listened and offered my apologies and any comments and answers as we went along.  Amanda, through all of this, stayed silent, just offering her support to her friend and her now boyfriend.  When all was done, Lynn and I had worked out everything, I had apologized again and we hugged as she left the room.

[MF] The Weekend of Three Girls (19M & 19F) Part 3 – Amanda

This is Part 3 of 4 of this saga. For Part 2, see the following: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12yqy11/mf_the_weekend_of_three_girls_19m_19f_part_2_lynn/

Once again, Everyone is over the age of 18 and names have been changed for privacy.

I woke up earlier on Sunday morning with a hangover and a determination to get things in order.  I
took a few Advil and drank a huge glass of water with a few pieces of toast and started to get things back in order in my room before my roommate was due to be back.  He had said it was either going to
be Sunday night or Monday afternoon, but I wanted to make sure everything was cleaned up.  I gathered all the empties to recycle, washed all the dishes from the night before, and washed my sheets from the night with Beth.

While I was waiting for the load of sheets to finish in the laundry, I jumped on MSN and got three different notifications about messages. 

[MF] The Weekend of Three Girls (19M & 19F) Part 2 – Lynn

This is Part 2 of 4 of this saga. For Part 1, see the following: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12ymjb9/mf_the_weekend_of_three_girls_19m_22f_part_1_beth/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12ymjb9/mf_the_weekend_of_three_girls_19m_22f_part_1_beth/)

Once again, Everyone is over the age of 18 and names have been changed for privacy.

Picking up where we left off, it’s a Friday night and I had just walked Beth to her car and given her a kiss goodnight after an amazing night together.   I went back up to my room waiting for her let me know when she got home and then go to bed. 

On my way back up, I ran into my group of friends who lived on my floor and they started talking about their plans for the next night.  They were going to go to a local bowling alley that had an attached bar to drink and bowl.  After, we were going to go back to the residence and play cards with a
few more drinks.  I said I was in as Beth was going to be with her other friends in the residence and we wouldn’t be seeing each other until later. 

[MF] The Weekend of Three Girls (19M & 22F) Part 1 – Beth

I posted the first few parts of this series many years ago under a different username that has since been deleted.  The story will sound similar, but I’ve had to re-write it as I can’t find the original either.

Everyone in this story is over the age of 18 and names have been changed for privacy.

This takes place when I was 19 in my first year of college.  I was living away from home in residence,and I was exploring my newfound freedom with a verve that only someone living on their own for the first time can.  At this point in my life, I was 5’11” and scrawny with a metabolism that my current self envies.  I could eat or drink anything I wanted and never gained any weight. 

This is the first in a series that I like to call “The Weekend of 3 girls”.  The girls are Beth, Lynn and Amanda.  If there’s interest after this instalment, I’ll continue.