Oak Spring College – Chapter 3 – Part 1 – First time watching her change [MF18] [Enforced Nudity] [Public Nudity] [Stripping] [Teasing]

Link to [Chapter 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/xdwhdg/chapter_2_first_lunch_at_an_allnude_college_mf18/)

Other than Olivia flashing me the scariest, yet also sexiest, grin I had ever seen, the lunch was largely uneventful.

Me and Anna got along really well, once we got past the whole her-being-nude thing. When we learned that both of us are really into anime and she started talking about how much she loved *Kaguya-sama: Love is War*, it was as if she had forgotten, at least for a few seconds, that she was naked.

However, she was reminded of this when she was making large gestures with her arms, which made her boobs flop and jiggle in a way that only floppy and jiggly boobs can and naturally attracted my eyes to them. When she noticed that my eyes averted to chest level, she put her hands down timidly and the conversation died abruptly. I tried to apologize, but it took some time before the awkwardness dissipated. Getting used to the whole nudity thing was going to take some time.

Once we had finished eating, we decided to go around and check out the school together, which hopefully would also help her further getting used to being naked and having the occasional guy ogle her from the corner of their eye. She said that it didn’t feel so bad as long as I was around, which kinda filled me with pride.

Chapter 2 – First lunch at an all-nude college [MF18] [Enforced Nudity] [Public Nudity] [Teasing]

Link to [Chapter 1 part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/xde3fo/chapter_1_part_2_first_class_at_an_allnude/)

Olivia was enjoying her lunch, the school lunch restaurant actually made really good food. However, her appetite was spoiled by the events earlier with Jonas. Why did he call her a ‘bitch’, I wasn’t like she had done anything wrong, right? Yeah maybe she was teasing her a bit too much, but the girl wasn’t following the regulations! Besides, why did she go around being all shy about her body? She was really cute, why hide it?

Olivia has always enjoyed being seen naked by men. At high school she had done streak a couple of times and it was so exhilarating to be naked where you shouldn’t be. She especially enjoyed seeing men’s reactions to her when she was naked, their gluttonous eyes trying to eat her up. That was why she had join Oasic, it would basically be streaking everyday and she would be exposed to the greedy eyes of boys all day long! She especially enjoyed it when the uniformed male students looked at her. Somehow the contrast between them being clothed and her being naked reinforced her own nudity and made her feel even more naked, which made her feel even more exhilarated. It was especially fun because they often became more flustered than she did!

Chapter 1 – Part 2 – First class at an all-nude college [MF18] [Enforced Nudity] [Public Nudity]

Link to [Chapter 1 part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/xde05m/chapter_1_part_1_first_class_at_an_allnude/)

When I entered the corridor I noticed that there was something of a commotion down the corridor. Ah, finally someone else who is having a hard time, let’s go gloat at seeing someone else suffer, I thought to myself, as I headed down the corridor.

It turned out to be a group of girls laughing at another girl who was cornered and trying to cover herself with her bag… It was the anxious girl who had just crashed into me in the classroom! And the girl leading the girl gang was the devilishly gorgeous girl, Olivia, who had approached me earlier. Ugh, why did it have to be them? I thought my suffering was over. Oh well I should at least check out what is going on. When I got closer I could hear Olivia laughing teasingly and saying:

“Come on, you are not allowed to cover yourself, you know the regulations, you don’t see any other girl covering themselves or do you think your breasts are special or something?”

Chapter 1 – Part 1 – First class at an all-nude college [MF18] [Enforced Nudity] [Public Nudity]

Link to [Chapter 0](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/xd975s/oak_spring_college_chapter_0_first_day_at_an/)

As I continued towards my lecture room, mostly keeping my head down, I noticed that the naked students were also not permitted to wear shoes nor did they have piercings, scarfs or any other types of accessories. They really were completely naked. However, being naked and shoeless was not a great discomfort, the floor was heated and the temperature was well above room temperature, likely making it quite comfortable even with no clothing. As a matter of fact, I probably felt more discomforted from the temperature than they did, given that I had chosen to wear the full uniform with both the pants and the blazer, both quite warm.

I finally made it to my lecture room and entered. It was fairly small, maybe for 30 students, and was currently half full and all of the students were naked. Well, it was 10 minutes before the lecture should start, hopefully I wasn’t the only uniformed student in the class, that would be awkward.

Oak Spring College – Chapter 0 – First day at an all-nude college [MF18] [Enforced Nudity] [Public Nudity] [Teasing] [Slow Burn]

[This chapter contains mostly back story and context for the future chapters where much more interesting stuff happens!]

Hi, my name is Jonas and I am a college student at Oak Spring College, or as we like to call it: OaSiC (pronounced oasis), studying science. Oasic is one the governments experiment schools to address societal problems with body image issues, sexual education and awareness, including teenage pregnancies and STDs, but also sexual harassment and other sexual crimes.

In the last few years rape and sexual harassment has been unveiled to be a huge issue at colleges around the country and the government has been under pressure to do something about it. Some discussed segregated schools and tougher measures against boys who commit these crimes, but it was noted that these measures only deal with the symptoms and not the underlying issue: the poor awareness amongst boys that women are not objects of their sexual interest to used at their leisure and the over-sexualization of the female body by putting it on a pedestal.

Guys don’t like girls with small breasts. Or do they? Chapter two – What have I done?

Link to [Chapter 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/srpq7j/guys_dont_like_girls_with_small_breasts_or_do/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

It is time for the hot stuff! Are you ready? of course you aren’t ;)

# Chapter two – What have I done?

Kate continued to enjoy herself in the sun, having turned back over again to tan her chest, when a cute boy about her age came by. She scrutinized him through half-closed eyes to see his reaction to her naked breasts. She felt a surge of satisfaction seeing him do a double take when he came close. He had clearly aimed for a spot near them, but hadn’t noticed that she was half-naked until now. At first he seemed a bit uncertain about what to do, but finally settled for the spot he had aimed for. While unpacking his things he made a big ordeal of keeping his eyes on his bag and not stare at her chest, yet he couldn’t help himself but to glance every now and then.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Ricky and Annie’s adventure at the museum

It was a chilly, but sunny April morning as Ricky and Annie entered the Museum of Natural History. It was an old and dusty building, like many museums are. After paying for their entrance tickets and hanging off their coats, they were finally able to enter the exhibits. Annie felt a bit nervous, but also very excited. She was wearing a short skirt with a thong and a white low-cut tank top with no bra. It was still a bit chilly near the drafty entrance, which made her nipple stiffen and poke through the fabrics. Hopefully no one but Ricky would notice. It had been cold to walk to the museum with so little clothes, but it would be well worth it for the fun they would have. You see, Ricky and Annie were going to do more than just look at fossils at the museum.

They started off by walking through the first exhibition consisting of various rocks and minerals. They were alone with the exception of one man at the other end of the room. Annie noticed something called an amethyst, a large purple crystal glittering beautifully in the morning light, and called out for Ricky.

Ricky and Annie’s adventure at the museum part 3 final

Read the previous parts here:

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qq0y5d/ricky_and_annies_adventure_at_the_museum_part_1/)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qq10sk/ricky_and_annies_adventure_at_the_museum_part_2/)

The next room exhibits desert animals, however Ricky takes Annie’s hand and pulls her onward.

“Let’s go to the next one further still, to buy ourselves more time.”

They quickly walk through the desert exhibit, displaying everything from stuffed camels to scorpions. The final exhibit was about rainforests and the ambiance was dimmed down and they played a sound track of pouring rain during thunderstorms. Annie immediately felt safer as she realized they would be more difficult to spot here. At the corner of the room was a hut built using branches and other plant materials and inside it was completely dark, other than the dim light from a screen playing a video about the animals of the rainforest. Ricky pulled Annie straight towards the hut and knowing what he intended, she followed him eagerly.

Ricky and Annie’s adventure at the museum part 2

Read the other parts here:

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qq0y5d/ricky_and_annies_adventure_at_the_museum_part_1/)

[Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qq15l0/ricky_and_annies_adventure_at_the_museum_part_3/)

The next exhibition room was on ice age animals. Annie was still crazed with horniness and couldn’t help but rub her pussy through the fabric of the skirt and thong. Ricky brought Annie up to an enormous exhibit of a mammoth with long curved tusks. He then turned to her and said:

“I dare you to take your thong off, hang them on the tusks of the elephant…”

“It’s a mammoth, Ricky!”

“Uh right, anyways then go over to that chair, put one leg up on it and finger your pussy in front of me.”

At first the suggestion shocked her, this was getting extreme! But she would be hidden behind the mammoth and the thought of taking her soaking wet thong off and feeling the cool air on her hot swollen pussy was more than she could resist. She brought her hand up her skirt, hooked her fingers into the lining of the thong and pulled them down. By the time they were down by her knees, she could feel the anticipated breeze on her wet pussy as she bent over to pull them completely off. As she walked over to hang the thong on the tusk, the liberating feeling of her naked pussy against the air revved up her horniness again. She couldn’t wait until she got to touch herself.

Ricky and Annie’s adventure at the museum part 1

Read the other parts here:

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qq10sk/ricky_and_annies_adventure_at_the_museum_part_2/)

[Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qq15l0/ricky_and_annies_adventure_at_the_museum_part_3/)

It was a chilly, but sunny April morning as Ricky and Annie entered the Museum of Natural History. It was an old and dusty building, like many museums are. After paying for their entrance tickets and hanging off their coats, they were finally able to enter the exhibits. Annie felt a bit nervous, but also very excited. She was wearing a short skirt with a thong and a white low-cut tank top with no bra. It was still a bit chilly near the drafty entrance, which made her nipple stiffen and poke through the fabrics. Hopefully no one but Ricky would notice. It had been cold to walk to the museum with so little clothes, but it would be well worth it for the fun they would have. You see, Ricky and Annie were going to do more than just look at fossils at the museum.

They started off by walking through the first exhibition consisting of various rocks and minerals. They were alone with the exception of one man at the other end of the room. Annie noticed something called an amethyst, a large purple crystal glittering beautifully in the morning light, and called out for Ricky.