My Last Day With Dignity part 2 – Flashing in the grocery store [Blackmailing/Gaslighting] [Exhibitionism] [Flashing in Public]

Originally posted on []( by me

“Annie, Annie, wake up.”

Someone was shoving me urgently in bed. I rolled over trying to get away from the intrusive hand.

“Ughh, stop, let me sleep.”

Suddenly my sheet was pulled off me. Cold air latched on to my skin. I pulled my eyes open.

“Get up Annie, you are going grocery shopping with Mark today”.

It was Becky. She smiled at me with an excited and malicious grin.

“You don’t want to miss your date with Mark do you?”

Becky grabbed my arm and pulled me out of bed. I had barely slept, lying awake until probably around 2, thinking about yesterday, the shame and the excitement, and what else humiliating Becky would make me do today. I groaned as someone pulled the blinds open.

“What time is it? It is still dark outside.”

“It is 5.30, we will leave for the grocery store at 8, but we need to get you ready. We want you to be nice and fresh for Mark.”

A yawn assaulted my body, forcing my mouth open in audible gasp.

My Last Day With Dignity part 1 – Involuntarily exposed [MF20] [Blackmailing] [Exhibitionism] [Anxious good girl turned bad]

Originally posted on []( by me

This is a story about how I, Annie, a straight-A goody girl with a crush on the German exchange student Mark, was stripped of my self-dignity after commiting one, admittedly perverted, mistake.

We were on a field trip as part of our college studies in biology to a lake in the mountains and lived in a set of barracks owned by our school in the vicinity of an old research building.

Going on a field trip does something to you. Living in a remote place with all of your classmates creates an intimacy and sense of freedom that one never experiences in the normal class room or the corridors of the campus.

It all started on the bus ride to the location, where I had the great luck of sitting next to my crush. Mark is the most handsome, funny and intelligent guy I have ever met. He is the stereotype of the typical manly German: well-built, blond hair and amazing blue eyes, but also incredible humor and intelligence, and he had a slight german accent that I found oh so sexy. He got to our college thanks to a top-brass stipend that is only awarded to the best performing students of Germany.

Simba Cannot Forget – Chapter 3 – Simba still remembers [MF18+] [Male Reluctant Sex] [Femdom] [Hate-fucking] [Orgasmic Memory Wipe] [Casual Sex With Love Interest]

Originally posted [here](

[Chapter 2](

I felt very anxious about returning to school, more so than yesterday, feeling like a gazelle wandering into a lion’s den.

It was only made worse by the thick ominous clouds covering the sky. It was so dark and it was clear that it was going to rain later today.

After having realized in the morning that I still remembered Hayase and what she had done, I had wracked my brain for how to keep her from realizing. The best way I could think of was to make her believe that I had forgotten by acting as if I didn’t know her, acting as I had before.

*You know that is never going to work, her perception is sharp like an eagle…*

But what else could I do? I desperately didn’t want to lose those memories and I didn’t want her to hate me and suspect me of telling other people about her.

I cautiously walked through the corridors towards my first lecture. A howl of wind whistled outside. Apparently the wind was picking up. Was a storm boiling up outside?

I heard a rippling laughter, smooth as silk, around the corner.

Oak Spring College – Chapter 8 – My first date with Olivia – Part 2 [MF18] [Public Flashing] [Abandoned Naked In The Theater] [Edging/Orgasm Denial] [Sensual Fucking]

Originally posted [here](

Link to [chapter 8 part 1](


We left the movie theater and headed for an ice cream shop in the mall.

After we had bought our ice creams we sat down around a table for two and just talked.

She seemed relieved to just be doing some normal date stuff and we talked about our histories and interests.

However, once we had finished our ice creams, Olivia grabbed my hand and placed it on her thigh, then leaned forward and whispered in my ear:

“Hey Jonas, don’t think I haven’t forgotten about that amazing orgasm that you promised me.”

She then bit me on my earlobe before she continued:

“Let’s go home. I want you to fuck me. Hard and long.”

My heart raced at her words and I felt arousal roar through my body. I had no idea a few words from a woman could turn me on so hard so fast.

I smiled. Seems like the date so far was a success.

“I did promise you that, didn’t I?” I said with confidence, my heart still racing. After edging her like this there was no way I could fail.

Oak Spring College – Chapter 8 – My first date with Olivia – Part 1 [MF18] [Public Flashing] [Abandoned Naked In The Theater] [Edging/Orgasm Denial] [Sensual Fucking]

Originally posted [here](

Link to [chapter 7](


**I am sorry for the very long delay, I have been having long-term chronic health issues and a complete lack of inspiration. Lately I have however been feeling better and I have now finished the next chapter! I cannot promise that there will be any more chapters, I have so many other ideas I want to explore and I am starting to feel that this story has reached the end if it road.**

**Now to the story!**


I got off the bus about 10 minutes before my date with Olivia. We were supposed to meet up at the square then walk to the movie theater together.

I felt nervous. The words of Olivia still echoed in my head.

*You better make it the best damn date ever!*

I didn’t have much dating experience so I wasn’t sure what a great date is in general, although, knowing Olivia, nothing normal would anyway constitute a great date anyway. What she wanted was the exhilaration and risk of exposure. I would just have to improve, but I did take some precautions.

Simba Cannot Forget – Chapter 2 [M19/F18] [Male Reluctant Sex] [Orgasmic Memory Wipe] [Casual Sex With Love Interest]

[Chapter 1](

“What do you mean I am not supposed to remember? It happened just yesterday!”

I said confused.

Hayase looked at me with resentment and irritation, as if I had done something horrible to her. Then crooked her head, as if she had an idea.

“Maybe it was too brief… You did come very quickly, the other guys lasted for at least five minutes, you came in like seconds…

“It was not that short! It was at least two minutes.” I said, offended.

“Maybe one minute, tops”, She said with a mischievous smile. She clearly enjoyed needling me over it.

“Besides, why should how long it lasted matter if I remember it?”

At first she didn’t respond, she just looked up into the ceiling, as if deep in thought, then she walked over a desk and sat on it with one leg dangling and the other on the table, with her chin resting on her knee, her eyes staring into empty space.

“I know this will sound crazy, but every man I have ever done anything sexual with has forgotten about what we did the next day. Like literally every man. No exception. well, except you.”

Simba Cannot Forgot – Chapter 1 [M19/F18] [Male Reluctant Sex] [Orgasmic Memory Wipe] [Casual Sex With Love Interest] [Slow Introduction]

[Originally posted [here](]

*This is the craziest thing I have ever seen!*

I thought to myself as I saw Hayase walk into the men’s showers, completely naked.

There were only four of us left in the changing room, the rest already having left. We had finished a really hard soccer practice and the four of us had remained on the side of the field, resting and chatting before heading for the showers and then back home for the weekend.

I was new to the school, having transferred recently, and I hadn’t made very many friends yet, so I thought it would be smart to hang out with some of the cool students in the soccer club.

I wasn’t actually all that into soccer, I had played some during the school year since my mother insisted I needed to play some sports for exercise and since I had played soccer as a kid, I just kept doing it. I was actually rather more into the “nerdy” stuff, like playing computer games and I always had a fascination for things like science and astronomy. I wanted to study hard so I could get good grades and perhaps get a job as an astronomer in the future.

Oak Spring College – Chapter 7 – The Annual Special Sports Event [MF18] [Winner Takes All] [Mixed Sex Soccer] [Kissing] [Hand Job] [Clit Rubbing] [Showering Together]

**Author’s note**: I am sorry it took so long to write this, however, I want to give a warning for the future: These delays will continue. I have a lot going on in my life and most things are more important that writing erotica (I know some of you won’t agree, but it is hard to explain why writing erotica is so important to normies and I would much rather not, all things considered). Therefore, continue to expect a new chapter circa every 2 or 3 weeks, as it takes a really long time to write these works, especially since my loving audience deserve nothing less than the highest quality of erotica. Now, back to the story.

Link to [Chapter 6](

Olivia was so excited that she couldn’t sleep.

*Next week is the Annual Special Sports event, during which there will be both team- and individual-based events. I am so excited about it! If the team I am participating in wins an event, each member of the team gets 2 points added to their midterm exam score. This might be hard, since not just my efforts will count and I have no control over who is in my team. However, I get one point if I win in an individual-based event and I should be able to win several of them!*

Oak Spring College – Chapter 6 – First time playing with Olivia remotely [MF18] [Enforced Nudity] [Public Nudity] [Edging] [Remote vibrator] [Pussy licking]

Originally post by me [here](

Link to [Chapter 5 part 2](

I woke up the next morning with a painfully hard boner. I had been dreaming about Olivia and how we had been hanging out together, her naked of course, but not at school, rather in the town. Somehow we had not gotten into trouble, it was as if only I could see her naked.

In my dream, we were making out in a clothes store, ironically, and it was clear that it was heading towards sex.

Then my phone buzzed, waking me up. However, it wasn’t my alarm, it was the signal of someone sending me a message.

_Who the fuck is sending me a message this early? They fucking ruined my dream! _

I decided to ignore it and try to focus on trying to remember the dream and continue it.

In my dream, I was caressing Olivia all over her body and was just about to caress her pussy, when…

*buzzz buzzz!*

For fuck sake, who is it?

The moment is past now and I might as well just get up.

Categorized as Erotica

Finding unexpected love on Dagger Point Mountain – Chapter 2/5 [M26/F21] [Outdoors exposure] [Sneaking in a hotel] [Cum dump]

[Originally posted by me here](

Link to [Chapter 1 Part 2](

Sarah woke up to the sun shining through the tent that she shared with Jessica and two other girls. Both her pussy and ass ached from her activities with Mark yesterday. Double trouble. Yet she regretted nothing. She remained lying in her sleeping bag even after waking up, thinking about Mark’s dick ramming her every orifice. It made her so wet and horny.

She quietly brought her hands down to her crotch to try to masturbate, but because she had to move so slowly in order to not be heard, it ended up mostly just teasing her throbbing clit. She snorted in frustration.

“Oh, so you are awake too, Sarah.” Jessica said. Then she continued in a smug voice, “You came back pretty late with Mark yesterday, did something happen?”

Sarah’s heart started beating fast. Fuck yeah, something happened. But she couldn’t tell Jessica, she wasn’t even sure herself what had happened exactly.

“Eh… No, I… Eh… I got lost and Mark had to come and find me.”

That was relatively close to the truth, she certainly had felt lost.

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