[incest] [F/D] My Daughter Mia pt3

After Mia had gone to shower, I sat there for a bit. My dick was still hard, but I didn’t want to jack off. I went over to Mia’s bathroom, thinking I would try and get in the shower with her, but she had locked the door. As I turned the knob, I could hear her moaning. She was taking care of her pussy. This made me even more horny, but confused because she could’ve let me take care of it for her.

At this point I threw in the towel, and just decided to just clean up and save up my horniness for tomorrow.

I woke up the next morning in anticipation of jumping into Mia’s bed and fucking her awake, but it turned out she had already left for the day. I forgot that she wakes up early to get a workout in before she starts her day. My dick was aching, but I refused to touch it. I went to work, but couldn’t concentrate, I could only think of the feeling of those pussy lips sliding up and down my cock. I swear my dick was leaking precum all day.

[incest] [F/D] My Daughter Mia pt2

Mia was standing there, just a few feet away, and just staring at us. I couldn’t tell if she was more pissed or confused about what was happening in front of her. Tina, pulled my fingers out of her pussy and shot up in total embarrassment and was frantically trying to get her skirt back on correctly. I just kind of stayed where I was, as if I was a kid that just got caught doing something bad. We all kind of just stayed still, and quiet, for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, Tina muttered out that she should leave and then ran out.

Mia, just stood there looking at me. It was as if our roles were reversed. She was obviously shocked beyond words, and I didn’t know what my next move was, so I just got up and sat on the couch and asked if she wanted to talk about what she just saw. She sat down next to me and kind of chuckled, but didn’t say anything. Hearing that, I got confused and asked what she was thinking.

[incest] [F/D] My Daughter Mia pt1

It’s not uncommon for my daughter, Mia, and her friends to hang out at our house at night. They are all adults, but under 21, but I let them drink as long as they don’t get sloppy drunk. Tonight her best friend, Tina, who is also her cousin, her boyfriend and a few other friends were having a little party at our place. Nothing big, just some music, a little alcohol, and some food.

We had Mia when we were really young, we were both only 17 years old. Her mom, and I, never married and she ended up leaving after a few years. As she grew up, I subtly started to notice how much she started to develop. By the time she was a teen, she looked like she was in her 20’s and was built like one too… I guess it’s that Latin blood in her. She was 5’1 and had all the right curves.

I generally took care of myself. I worked out regularly and ate decently healthy the majority of the time. Standing at 5’11 and weighing 190lbs. I didn’t have bulging muscles or abs of steel, but I wasn’t ashamed to strut around without a shirt on either.