[MF] A desert rendezvous

This took place over a year ago. A little about us; I was 31 at the time, 6ft, short brown and grey hair, fairly muscular, and glasses. Circumcised and average length, but more than average girth. A was 29, a bit shorter, c cup, long straight brown hair and loves to refer to herself as “fun-sized.” Which I completely agree…

We had been seeing each other on and off over the summer, but there was some pretty good distance between us. About 5 hours and 300 some odd miles. We had already had a few very fun long weekends together, but we were overdue for another round. We make plans and after working a long day on Friday, I load up my truck and make the trek over once more.

We had been teasing each other all week, of all the things we wanted to do to each other and with the time we’d get. A, however, grew much more impatient. The texts between us increased, starting as harmless flirting but quickly escalating to raunchy. Yes, I texted while driving. Bite me.

[MF] A quickie goodbye

So, this is back in 2016 with an ex (who I’m seeing again, more stories to follow). A little about us; I was 29 at the time, 6ft, short brown and grey hair, fairly muscular, and glasses. Circumcised and average length, but more than average girth. A was 27, a bit shorter, c cup, long straight brown hair and loves to refer to herself as “fun-sized.” Which I completely agree.

We were lamenting the end of a three day weekend, talking about plans for the coming week, the fun we had together, and doing what we can to prolong her inevitable goodbye and a 40 mile trip back home for her. She was laying on my bed, on her stomach with arms folded underneath her head. I can’t even remember what we were talking about, sitting on the bed with her.

But I do remember wanting her. Badly.

We always shared an insane sexual chemistry that I’ve never had with anyone else. I leaned over her, and kissed the back of her neck. With her eyes closed and audible appreciation, she turned more of her neck towards me. In between kisses, I told her how much I’d miss her, and how much I wanted her right now.