[FF] Making Me Hers

While my current life doesn’t lend itself to wild stories, having been in a stable relationship for a while, my past is still full of wild tales. Let’s go back to a few years ago, at age 22. I had just made a big move across the country and didn’t know anyone save my friend who was sharing an apartment with me. Our apartment complex was down the street from a woman who ran kind of an art studio out of her house.

Her name was Jasmyn, she was in her mid-thirties, tall, slender, black, and had the kind of body that would make anyone want her. She gave lessons on dancing, painting, and photography for a living, as well as selling her own art. She and I met because my friend wanted to take one of her classes and hey, I love taking pictures of things. The moment she walked into the room, she seemed to make eye contact with me, it felt electric. The class on the whole went fine, my friend ended up stopping attending due to lack of funds, but I kept going. Jasmyn was funny and exciting, after a few months we had gotten to know each other a little bit and she invited me over in her off hours. She said she wanted to have me model for her, I agreed.

Hot Weekend Date [FF]

Hey everyone, sometimes I like to just share stories of hot dates and see who is interested in listening. So let me give this a shot.

Me: Steph, 25, short, white, busty, hair currently dyed purple

Her: (Not her real name but we’ll call her Amy), 21, Filipino, short like me, skin a little on the darker side, sexy eyes and a killer smile.

So, I work as a beverage server at a casino, Amy is a new girl. She started about a month ago and we became instant friends. We’re into the same things and just have a natural chemistry. One day, we were on break when she asked if I wanted to go out. I said, “Of course, you’re so much fun!”

She leaned in a little bit and said she meant a date with her. I smiled, “My answer stands, why wouldn’t I want to go out with you?” Sexuality hadn’t actually come up so I didn’t even realize she was bi, but we set a day and time.