8. Jack [M/F]

Sometimes, you meet people, and you want to fuck the everliving shit out of them.

This was not the case with Jack.

Jack was timid and strange and wore glasses. I’d never kissed anything with glasses before. We’d known each other for forever, grew up down the street from one another. Our parents were friends, and we even had Christmases together in school – but I was going through a revolution, and he had been background noise. Fast forward three years, and we run into each other after college.

Jack is now adorable. Every smile I evoke from him is a victory. Jack also has the greenest eyes I’ve seen in my life. Holy shit. Were they this green when we were kids? His eyes flicker between the sky and my lips and our coffee, as we talk about the lives we’ve led and the hearts we’ve broken. Jack is adorable and strange and wears glasses. Weeks go by, and the closer we get, the more I like him. I hate it. It’s amazing.

Sometimes, you meet people, and we want to fuck the everliving shit out of them.

7. Connor

The first day I met Connor, he walked in late to class. While everyone was focused on the lecture slides, he slipped into the seat next to me. I glanced at him, and we locked eyes as he smiled one the sexiest smiles I’ve seen in my life. So it began.

The following weeks were full of the most electric flirting I have ever experienced. I had just gotten out of a 4 year relationship, and Connor was everything my ex was not. He wore leather jackets and dripped excess testosterone. He didn’t call me every day, he didn’t even know my last name. But when he looked at me, I swear to God, I felt my morals quiver. To date, I have never met a guy that had such an intense stare. He looked at me like he was imagining fucking me against a wall. He looked me like he knew what I needed, and he was the only one with the power to fulfill it. Pure, unadulterated desire. We’d go to bars with our friends, and he’d run his hands up my dress as we held separate conversations with separate people. We’d hug goodnight in front of the group, and I’d roughly rub my pelvis against his crotch as we pulled away. The teasing went on for a while. I’ve never felt chemistry like that.