Please Don’t Judge Me. I Just Can’t Control Myself Around This Woman. Part 1.[FF]

I am 54year old skinny short 5ft3 tall wrinkled face thin lips green eyes grayhaired soft butch single lesbian woman. People call me ugly alot of the times, and also make jokes about my looks. Ever since I was a kid people always call me names. I think I’m ugly and you can tell me I’m beautiful but I won’t believe it. There are so many odds against me but it doesn’t change dealing with the feelings. I am going to attempt to describe this as clear as I can.

I have a satin and silk fetish. It’s something you get as a child, I don’t know how. It’s not a condition but it’s also not a choice, so I have to live and die with it. I just can’t resist touching and stroking satin fabric because It’s just so soft and smooth to touch when rubbing. For me nothing looks sexier on a woman than a shiny satin or silk outfit. I’ve also been known to do it to strangers too. I have the greatest trouble thinking rationally when i am around women dressed in shiny silk or satin.