The Conference [MF, 40ish] [cheating] [BBW] [FPOV]

The conference had been surprisingly fun so far. When my boss asked me to go, I didn’t see why, but the company was paying my way, and I would have some free time to visit with a friend who had moved here a few years ago, so I agreed. Even though it was for industry professionals, and I was just a lowly assistant, I still found the topics useful, and was sure I’d be able to bring some of what I’d learn back to the office.

Now I was all dolled up, eating a fancy dessert after the fancy dinner, and drinking the free drinks, silently listening to the shop talk at the table. The band was getting ready for the dance, and the staff asked us to move tables so they could clear a dance floor. My boss and I stopped at the bar on the way by to refill our drinks.

“I hope you’re having a good time.” It was more of a question. “You’re awfully quiet.”

“That’s because I’m an insufferable introvert.” I laughed. “But I enjoy just listening to the conversation. You don’t need to worry about me.”

Our First Time (M20s/F20s)(Romantic)(FPOV)

It had started so innocently, me shyly asking him if he could help me with some weights some dumbass hadn’t put away properly. I picked him because he looked like he could lift more than I weigh, and as it turned out I wasn’t wrong. He offered to spot me and left with a wink when my trainer finally showed up, and I couldn’t get his boyish smile and blue eyes out of my mind, so I paid for his latte the next day at the cafeteria. He came over and we had an awkward conversation about how I’d seen him before when my friend and I were eating lunch on the mezzanine and had been ogling at the sweaty lifters below. He left with another wink and a chuckle, thanking me for the latte, and I couldn’t help but sneak a peak at his chiseled ass as he left.

The Ex [nc] [female pov] [MF]

I saw him across the bar seconds before my bestie did.

“Aw, shit, girl,” she said with the inflection of scandle. “Is that your ex!?”

I didn’t say anything,  just gestured to the bar tender to make that single I ordered a double. No, triple.

My friend and I dodged through the crowd to the dance floor, trying to keep my back to him so he wouldn’t recognize me. It had been a year, and I’d had my hair cut and died purple, so maybe I could escape his notice.

“Looks like he’s here with some chick.” My bestie updated.

“Maybe we should warn her. ” My speech was starting to slur as I downed my triple.

“But then he’d see you, genius.”

I nodded, tired of yelling over the music and gestured that I was going to the bar. Maybe not the wisest choice, the small, responsible side of my brain protested. I’ll only order a single, I argued. But as I got to the bar, the bartender said “another?” with a cute smile, so I just nodded and accepted the triple he handed me. I turned back to my friend to see her dancing with a guy. I decided to hang back until the song was over and give him a chance.

Delayed Flight [Female POV, romantic, older man]

“We only have one room left,” the attendant said, glancing back and forth between Steve and I, nervously. “Is that going to be ok?”

I rolled my eyes as obviously as I could. “I’ll try to restrain myself.” I heard Steve chuckle behind me. “Is there 2 beds, or can we get a cot…?”

The attendant agreed to send up a cot. I signed the necessary documents, grabbed the keys and we headed upstairs. “I’m glad you came.” Steve sighed as we got in the elevator. He said that every time. If ever there was a person that needed an assistant, it was Steve. He couldn’t book a hotel or flight to save his life, and God forbid a storm delay his flight – I could imagine him sitting in the airport forlornly trying to decide what to do.

Steve was a sweet man who was a friend of my older brother’s. I had known him for years, and though I was 15 years his junior, he had always been kind and friendly to me. He had married and had children young, so now he was barely in his 50s with 2 grown children and the freedom to pursue his dream of lecturing across the country. His wife had been his assistant for years, but she had died a few years ago after a long illness. When Steve wanted to get back on the road, he asked if I’d be interested in helping him.

Fingers (romantic, female POV)

Your fingers start off in my hair behind my head as you guide my naked body onto the bed, crouched beside me, but not touching me. I close my eyes as they moved to the front of my face, across my temple, tracing my jawline. Your thumb lingers to massage my lips and I give it a suck.

You pull it away and continue sliding your fingers down my neck, softly, with just enough pressure so it didn’t tickle, but light enough to cause me to catch my breath. On to my collarbone, now, following the incline of my breast to the summit. You use your whole hand now to fondle one breast, then the other, lingering there to gently pinch each nipple before continuing on.

Down the underside of my breast to my taught stomach, fingers dancing over my skin, feeling my titillated breathing as I anticipate the path of your digits. You trace a ring around my navel, then head south, over the slight pouch housing my womb and into the soft hair of my mound. You send one finger in to glance my clit, causing me to gasp, but to my dismay, your hand moves on.

My duty (Female POV, Virgin, breeding, gangbang)

Today I become a woman.

It is the duty of the women in my family to produce the heir. It doesn’t matter which one of us it is, as long as we give birth to a healthy baby boy. I would not have to go through this myself if the ceremonies of my older sisters and cousins had been successful, but none of them have any sons. My uncle, our Leader explained that it was up to me, now. I was of age, and it was my duty.

I walked into the hut alone, wrapped in a ceremonial robe, feeling nervous. The oldest sons from every family were there, about a dozen young men in all; every family would feel privileged to think their son fathered the heir. They were all naked and had hungry looks in their eyes.

One of them stepped forward and pushed my robe off my shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. The boys stared at my perky breasts, my taught stomach, and my lithe legs. The one who disrobed me took me by the hand and led me to a thick pile of skins in the middle of the floor. He sat down, pulling me with him. I had known him, and the rest of them, since we were children, but now it was time to do our duty and become adults.

Daydreaming at Work (Female POV, Masturbating, Fantasizing, MF)

Are you ever just in the mood? You know, just sitting at your desk, trying to work, and it just hits you. Maybe it’s because you’re thinking about the wild sex you had last night. Maybe you haven’t gotten any in a while. Maybe your hot coworker is looking *particularly* hot today. Maybe YOU are looking particularly hot today.

Whatever the reason, you can feel like creeping up on you. You squirm a bit in your chair and can feel the wetness in your panties. Your nipples get a little perky. Is it hot in here, or is it just me…? Maybe some water will help. A snack? But those images of you in your favourite position getting pounded by your lover just won’t get out of your head.

You can feel that your pussy is soaking now. Is it going through your panties? Your pants? You bite your pouty lips and try to slow your racing heart. Can anyone tell you’re all hot and bothered? Your boss comes to tell you something and you can barely concentrate on what he’s saying. As he leaves, you tell yourself you have to do something to relieve yourself.

Birthday Cake Part 1 [Female POV] [Voyeur] [Bondage] [FMF]

The ding of the intercom sounded, then the headmaster’s voice rang out cheerily from his perch on the edge of his desk. “Ladies, gentlemen and students, I’d like to take this time to wish Mr. Sharp a very happy birthday!” He paused to allow the staff and students a moment to applaud. “I’d like to invite the faculty to my office at lunch for cake. Have a wonderful day, all!”

I glanced at the clock and my heart started to race in anticipation as he put down the receiver and ran a hand over my prone buttocks. Only five minutes to go. “Are you ready, Miss Dawson?” He snuck a hand between me and the desk to steal a grab of my breast.

“I am, Mr. Kenwick.” I breathed. 

“I could take you right now,” Mr. Kenwick said, hopping off his desk. “But I must save the unwrapping for the birthday boy! Can I get you anything before we begin? Are you comfortable?”

I wriggled around a bit in my position, bent across his desk, stomach down, with my hands tied together in front of me so I could prop myself up on my elbows, and my legs splayed and tied to the legs of the desk. “No, Mr. Kenwick. I feel fine.”

Staff Appreciation [FPOV] [MMF] [Non Con] [DP]

“Looks good,” my boss said, oogling my lunch as he put down some files for me to work on. As there were only two of us in the office and someone still had to take calls during my lunch, I was eating at my desk, scrolling on my phone. “How’s the day been going?”

“The phones are pretty slow. I should get this done this afternoon.”

“There’s no rush.” He hopped up onto my U- shaped desk casually. My boss was a very good looking man. He worked out religiously, and was pleasantly muscular. He had a strong jaw, dark brown eyes and curly, closely cropped auburn hair. He was pretty young for a guy who owned his own business – he’d just taken over from his retiring father – just a few years older than me. At first, it had been strange working for someone who would normally be my peer after having the usual late middle aged managers. But I grew to appreciate his style; he was particular, but at the same time laid back, and although he seemed serious, he actually had a quiet sense of humor that I enjoyed. Over the few years I’d been his assistant, I felt like we’d become a good team.

A Meeting in the Wood [Fantasy ish] [Female POV] [MF]

I let the arrow fly from my bow with expert precision, just like always. The deer didn’t even know what hit her, she just collapsed to the forest floor.

“Ah! No!” A groan of disappointment came from the other side of the clearing, and before I could register the sound, my reflexes had pulled and arrow out of the quiver, strung it, and pointed it in the direction of the voice. The man stood up slowly, his palms out to show he was no threat. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you!”

I chuckled, standing, and putting my weapon away. “What are you doing out here?” I looked him up and down. He looked like he was dressed for a ceremony, not a hunting trip. And his people kept livestock, rarely venturing into the woods at all.

He kicked the dirt a bit, embarrassed. “It was going to be a gift for your father. I was coming to see him. I just got elected leader of my people last night. I wanted to bring a gesture of friendship.”

I smiled at his bashfulness. Poor boy. “You can say you got it.” I offered.