So kinks run in the family and I’m in so much trouble

So this past weekend my girlfriend was off out of town visiting family and one of my younger sisters (19) came to stay the night to get some time away from our other siblings. Now appearance wise she took after out mother completely from her younger years and looks amazing. Other then that though I thought she was completely innocent. She’s never had a boyfriend. Never thought she had sex or even even thought about it. Oh I was so very fucking wrong.

So I was asleep upstairs in my bed room and my sister I suppose to be asleep on the air mattress downstairs. I’m guessing sometime around 2:30 ish I wake up a bit to someone jerking me off and sucking my dick and I kinda look and see a faint shadow of my little sister. To my half asleep mind I write it off as I’m dreaming and just let it keep going. After a few I was about to cum so forced my dick all the way down her throat and blow a huge load. She didn’t gag or cough or nothing. She just swallowed it all no problem. This reinforced me thinking I was dreaming.

So my youngest brother maybe my son (Part 3)

So my youngest brother maybe my son (Part 3)

So for those who need a bit of catch up here is

[Part 1](

And [Part 2](

Categorized as Erotica

Update: Tests are done…

[My youngest brother might be my son ](

So for those of you who read my last post which is link at the top. I use to use my mother’s cock and ball shaped cover for her vibrator to jack off and sometimes I’d leave it full of cum. Well I ended up having my youngest 2 siblings over to my place for a weekend and I decided to try three different tests. 2 different DNA test and a paternity test and all three came back positive. My youngest brother is my son and I dunno how really to feel about it and I’m the only person in my family that knows.

So yeah figure let y’all know considering a lot of people doubted my story. Hope yall have fun. Also sorry for shit grammer I was always bad in English class.

My youngest brother might be my son

So kinda a odd one but let’s start with the details first.
So about 11 years ago I started puberty and I found my parents sex toys. My mom had this dildo with a vibrator in it that you could remove, my guess was for cleaning reasons, but to not what I did with it. I use to take the vibrator out and use the cock sleeve for it to masturbate all the time, sometimes multiple times in a row. I use to fill that thing up with so much cum, it felt to great. Well there was also a little hole at the tip of the cock sleeve for the dildo and there was a couple of times I didn’t clean the sleeve out before putting it back together and putting back where it goes on my mom and dads dresser. Now so say my mom used this toy a lot was an understatement. She used this toy non stop. She’s use it whenever she got a chance or of my dad was feeling to tired to help her out. That’s not to say my dad never fucked my mom, he did, and let me tell you my mom was loud and proud. Got me hurt over and over again and filled my imagination for the next time I used that cock sleeve for her dildo. Now yes I did see my mom naked on several occasions without her seeing me and she was wonders on the eyes. Nice round ass. Nice 36DD breast. And a Pussy that looked like no child had ever came out nor no man had ever came in. God what I would have given just to have fucked her once, but back to the story at hand. So there was several occasions where I the sleeve was full of my cum when the toy was returned and my mom used it day in a day out. Well a couple of year and toys full of cum down the line my mom goes in to see a doctor about a surgery and finds out she’s pregnant. Now my mom and dad didn’t think anything about it they got dunk several time fucked and forgot to pullout, so yeah. I kept using the sleeve all throughout her pregnancy and even a little after cause the doctors took out all of her reproductive stuff after my youngest brother was born so yeah. The thing is when he was born he kind looked like my dad but as he keeps growing older he looks more and more like me as well as acts like me. Nether one of parents, or anyone else knows what I’ve done and what I think about youngest brother but still gotta give it to my mom she still looks great. But that’s nothing new. All of this is a true story and believe my words of you want. And if you have any stories of your own I’d love to hear them in the comments. Thanks for reading story y’all.

Categorized as sexystories

My youngest brother might be my son

So kinda a odd one but let’s start with the details first.
So about 11 years ago I started puberty and I found my parents sex toys. My mom had this dildo with a vibrator in it that you could remove, my guess was for cleaning reasons, but to not what I did with it. I use to take the vibrator out and use the cock sleeve for it to masturbate all the time, sometimes multiple times in a row. I use to fill that thing up with so much cum, it felt to great. Well there was also a little hole at the tip of the cock sleeve for the dildo and there was a couple of times I didn’t clean the sleeve out before putting it back together and putting back where it goes on my mom and dads dresser. Now so say my mom used this toy a lot was an understatement. She used this toy non stop. She’s use it whenever she got a chance or of my dad was feeling to tired to help her out. That’s not to say my dad never fucked my mom, he did, and let me tell you my mom was loud and proud. Got me hurt over and over again and filled my imagination for the next time I used that cock sleeve for her dildo. Now yes I did see my mom naked on several occasions without her seeing me and she was wonders on the eyes. Nice round ass. Nice 36DD breast. And a Pussy that looked like no child had ever came out nor no man had ever came in. God what I would have given just to have fucked her once, but back to the story at hand. So there was several occasions where I the sleeve was full of my cum when the toy was returned and my mom used it day in a day out. Well a couple of year and toys full of cum down the line my mom goes in to see a doctor about a surgery and finds out she’s pregnant. Now my mom and dad didn’t think anything about it they got dunk several time fucked and forgot to pullout, so yeah. I kept using the sleeve all throughout her pregnancy and even a little after cause the doctors took out all of her reproductive stuff after my youngest brother was born so yeah. The thing is when he was born he kind looked like my dad but as he keeps growing older he looks more and more like me as well as acts like me. Nether one of parents, or anyone else knows what I’ve done and what I think about youngest brother but still gotta give it to my mom she still looks great. But that’s nothing new. All of this is a true story and believe my words of you want. And if you have any stories of your own I’d love to hear them in the comments. Thanks for reading story y’all.