Hello all. This happened roughly ten or so years ago. When I was around 19-20 I was dating my wife (30 now). We met in high school and are still together today. Anyways, her wife was in my year, and we always got along well. Flirting here and there, but it was rather innocent. Flash forward to this night.
At this time my wife who was 18 and lived at home. I would usually hang out till she fell asleep then leave. She is not a night person and passed out around nine I believe. Surprisingly I dosed off and awoke around ten. I shut her door and walk downstairs and hear pans being banged together in the kitchen. This is unusual because her family is usually in bed before ten. What I didn’t know was hat her older sister (my age/year) was in there with her two friends. I walk into the kitchen and it’s fairly a mess. I can’t tell her and her friends have been drinking. I say hello and they ask me to stay and talk to them. This wasn’t super unusual, so I oblige.