-Just some info before you start reading the story. This does not take place in a salon again, regardless of the title. I just kept it the same and put part 2 because it’s after the original story (just go to my profile if you want to check it out because I have no idea how to link stuff on reddit LOL). I recommend you read part one because I describe Diana in a lot more detail, and I think it would be a lot more fun to read this after you read the first! Also, I’m sorry to everyone for holding this off for so long. I was busy with school for the past week and a half and I also didn’t feel like writing the story that much after I’d finish my homework late or come home after a night out with friends because I’d then just fall asleep. I’m feeling it now though so let’s get on with the story :D-
Author: standinmilson
How I [M18] ended up having some fun with my hairdresser [F39] in the salon.
-Just to tell you a little bit about me, I’m a pretty tall (6’1”), skinny, Indian with short, jet black hair-
This story happened yesterday and I’m still in shock at the whole experience. I’ve been going to the same hair salon for the past 3ish years mainly because it’s really close to my house and also because the hairdressers do a fantastic job. Now, my hair grows out pretty fast, causing me to go to the salon quite frequently throughout the year. The first few times I got my hair cut were all by different people who were all really good at their job, but none of them were very talkative which I don’t mind at all. I get really tired sometimes during haircuts because it’s really relaxing to me and this prevents me from keeping a conversation going for too long since I don’t have that much energy to do so. Time went on with me still going to this hair salon and getting my hair cut from the same group of workers. This whole time I didn’t care at all who cut my hair up until around January of 2015 which is when I got called while in the waiting room by what seemed to be a new worker. Let’s call her Diana. Diana’s around 5’7”, had light brown skin colour, and is a bit overweight but not at all in a bad way. By overweight I mean she’s thick all around with amazing curves, has huge tits, and a fat ass. To put it in short, she’s a bbw but not those exaggerated versions that you’d see if you were to Google some pictures. In my opinion, she was the perfect type of bbw with thickness and curves in all the right places. Diana also has hair that droops a bit lower than her shoulders which she always has in a ponytail for work purposes I assume.