Beachgoer, Part 2.5 [M20s, 50s/F20s][exhib/voy, public, threesome]

[Part 2 Here!](

Unfortunately, I’ve had to break Part 2 up into two smaller parts for posting on Reddit (damn you, 40,000 character limit!), so this is the second half of Part 2!

“I suppose,” Cassandra sighed after a moment or two of hesitation. Chris stood up and returned to her side to give her room to move, and that’s when she saw what she had been feeling against her ass: his cock was stiff as a flagpole and stood straight out from his body, throbbing with his pulse. It took every ounce of self-control that she had to not reach out and touch it. As much as she wanted for her wild fantasies to come true, he was still very much a stranger. With that said, she found herself caring less and less as he touched her more and more.

Beachgoer, Part 2 [M20-30s/F20s][exhib/voy, public]

[Part 1 Here!](

Unfortunately, I’ve had to break Part 2 up into two smaller parts for posting on Reddit (damn you, 40,000 character limit!), so this is the first half of Part 2!

Cassandra sat in her car, radio off, engine still running, as she stared at the Welcome sign at the beach trailhead. There were certainly more people on the beach this weekend, she had counted six other cars as the pulled in. She raised the question to herself, “what the fuck are we doing here, Cassandra?”

Just last week her trip to this same beach had ended not-so-uneventfully, and over the days that followed, it ended up being all she could think about. She could hardly focus on her work, and in the end, despite the persistent arousal that followed recounting the events and the fantasizing that accompanied it, she couldn’t help but feel conflicted about what had happened.

None of that had stopped her from driving to the beach again the following Saturday though. In the back of her mind she hoped that maybe, just maybe, she would see that same man again, and… That’s about where her plan fell apart in her mind. She wasn’t sure what she would do at that point. She sighed heavily, still debating the merits of turning around and driving home.

Beachgoer [M20s/F20s][exhib/voyeur][public]

Not a soul in either direction. Just as the website Cassandra had found stated, the private-property nature of the beach meant that even on a Saturday afternoon, the crowds that plagued the public beaches were nowhere to be found.

Hopping on top of a large rock, she again peeked down both stretches of the strip, and again she found the beach to be completely deserted. She sighed, relieved, “perfect.”

In no time flat, she had her spot all laid out: towel, umbrella, book and soft cooler all positioned perfectly. Cassandra might’ve been new to the area, but she was certainly an experienced beachgoer.

Settling in, she grabbed her sunblock and gave a generous coating to her fair skin, taking great care to avoid missing any spots, sunburns be damned. Now glistening and mostly protected from the sun, she rummaged around in her bag and retrieved her newest book and set to reading.

The romance novella she’d bought on a whim from the local bookstore was okay. Nothing spectacular, stereotypical hopeless romantics chasing each other in circles, tons of casual flirting, waxing poetic about the futility of it all over bottles of wine. Just the way Cassandra liked it. What caught her off-guard, however, were the detailed depictions of smut.