The Card Game [MMMF][Group][Long]

This story didn’t happen to me. It was told to me by a friend and involved one other person I knew. I believe that it’s true based on what I know of the people involved.

I’m writing it in first person from my friend’s point of view as he didn’t want to write it, and second person is too annoying. He told me the story a few years ago, and it happened a few years before that when everyone was in their mid/late 20s. He recently recounted some details for me and have his blessing for me to share the story.

I’m taking poetic license, but the broad details are as he told me.

So, on with the story …

It was a Saturday night in late summer. Quite late. My girlfriend, Lisa, and I hosted a small party earlier but it has dwindled and now there were only five of us left, and we’d all been drinking for hours.

As well as me and Lisa, there were three other guys, all had been friends of ours for a years and all were currently single. Adam, Sam and Glen. They had all been at university with us so were all around our age (I’m 27 at the time).

Tied and waiting for [m]y wi[f]e

My wife and I have a fairly good sex life. For a variety of lifestyle reasons we don’t always have sex as often as we might like, but we remain intimate and when the right opportunities arise we like to make the most of them. We’ve recently been experimenting with light bondage and bought some restraints which now remain attached to our bed (out of sight, no need to alarm kids or visitors). My wife, we’ll call her Emma for this story, also likes to tease me.

Usually this teasing takes the form of rubs, touches, kisses, whispers etc throughout the day. At times I’ll find myself in a semi aroused state all day. Usually it ends with a long and slow evening of sex. We’ve both realised we enjoyed this prolonged teasing – her for the control, and me for the long lasting state of arousal and foreplay. We’ve talked about an extreme version of it and recently had a chance to explore this idea.

The kids were staying with their grandparents and my wife had a party to go to – I was invited but not actually keen on attending. So I was staying home with nothing planned.

No More Condoms!

This will be a short story, but I’m pretty happy about it!

About 13 weeks ago I had a vasectomy. My wife and I are done with kids now so it was due.

A few days ago, before work, my wife gave me a terrific blowjob in our bed and just as I was about to cum she slipped my cock out of her mouth and used her hand to bring me to a knee weakening orgasm… Into a little plastic jar.

About 45 minutes later I was handing that jar to a lady at the test lab feeling acutely aware that everyone in the waiting room knew I’d just jizzed in it.

The next day (yesterday) I called the vasectomy clinic to see if they’d received the results yet – they had… I was shooting blanks! We could stop contraception immediately.

Unfortunately I had some work to do that night and when I made it to bed my wife was fast asleep. I didn’t want to wake her.

But this evening I joined her in bed in reasonable time and we soon started to kiss and fondle one another. Soon enough I was hard and she was wet.