Hell Hath No Pussy Like A Woman Scorned [mF][Road Sex][Cop]

So. It was a warm summer night and Dante was driving back down from a convention. He had an hour till he was home because the convention was out of country. Being the rebel he is, he decides to set cruise control to 5mph over the speed limit. Its a empty desert road, who will mind?

Then he heard the sirens. Fuck. He was a good citizen and pulled over for the traffic cop flagging him down. He got mentally prepared for the encounter as he heard the knock on his tinted window. He rolled it down to see a middle-aged woman in a police uniform. She had a face younger than her body, fair skin, dark brown hair and a stern look.

"So, Mr. Speedster, did you happen to see the 60mph sign about 10 miles back?"

"Sorry Officer…Bays, I just wanted to get home on time. I'm not from around these parts."

"Well you're in America, so as we do, I'm gonna have to ask for your license and registration."

He digged around in the glovebox and begrudingly handed over the documents to her. She looked at his license.