Hell Hath No Pussy Like A Woman Scorned [mF][Road Sex][Cop]

So. It was a warm summer night and Dante was driving back down from a convention. He had an hour till he was home because the convention was out of country. Being the rebel he is, he decides to set cruise control to 5mph over the speed limit. Its a empty desert road, who will mind?

Then he heard the sirens. Fuck. He was a good citizen and pulled over for the traffic cop flagging him down. He got mentally prepared for the encounter as he heard the knock on his tinted window. He rolled it down to see a middle-aged woman in a police uniform. She had a face younger than her body, fair skin, dark brown hair and a stern look.

"So, Mr. Speedster, did you happen to see the 60mph sign about 10 miles back?"

"Sorry Officer…Bays, I just wanted to get home on time. I'm not from around these parts."

"Well you're in America, so as we do, I'm gonna have to ask for your license and registration."

He digged around in the glovebox and begrudingly handed over the documents to her. She looked at his license.

"Dante, huh? Only 22? Well, I'm not surprised." He took slight offense. "Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to step out of the vehicle."

As he did, he slightly stumbled and in an effort to balance himself he reached out and accidently grabbed one of the officer's breasts. She immediately smacked his hand away.

"What do you think you're doing? Young kid try'na cop a feel while he's getting a ticket? What the fuck!"

"Im sorry, I was slipping. I didn't even want to touch your breasts."

"Don't kid yourself, it may have been an accident but you enjoyed it. Now ignoring your near-sexual assault. I still have to right you a ticket for speeding." Dante was annoyed at the ticket, but couldn't argue she had some nice jugs. Obviously fake, but they feel so round and firm.

"Seriously, I'm one guy speeding on a road nobody's on. Couldn't you just let it slide? You don't have to be just a stickup."

"No, I have a job to do. And just for creative language, I'm going to search the rest of your car. Hope it's in good working order."

"Wow, you must be REAL fun at parties." Then whispered to himself, "Thats probably why you need the boobjob"

She stopped checking headlights just to bitterly retort. "Hey smartass, I heard that! And for the record it was my husbands…ex-husbands idea to get this done, not me thank you very much."


"Yeah. Ex. Not that it's any of your business, but the divorce went through 2 months ago." Dante felt slightly worse, now as a child of divorce he didn't mean to hit on a personal note.

"Oh, I'm..uh…sorry, about the divorce."

"Don't be, he was an asshole." she started, "He wasn't all the time, at first we were happy like most couples were. For a long time actually. Then it all started when he hit 40 and had a mid-life crisis. He didn't see me as sexual anymore, so insisted I get my boobs done."

"I see." He was only half-listening to the story. He was slowly inching his way to his car, while she was wrapped up in the story.

"Then, being the insensitive jerk he is, says that my boobs are too good for my face, and wants me to get plastic surgery. The nerve! He might as well have called me ugly to my face."

"That must have been horrible…" Dante says he slides along the car towards the door.

"The last straw was his mistress." This perked Dante's interest. "Some 20-something year old blonde bimbo. This second-hand Barbie doll of a woman is dumb enough to stay for breakfast after Malcolm and her spent the nig together. In our house. I decided to come home early from a work trip to surprise him, and I see this ditzy little thing cooking some breakfast for him – as he's heating out her ass from behind the apron." Dante assumed Malcolm was shitty ex-husband mentioned. He was into some kinky shit.

"And then we have our fight, about him cheating on me with some floozy, and he blames me for killing our sex life."


"He said I gave handjobs to hard, and that I was hurting his limp-ass 3incher with a fucking foreskin. I told him I hate foreskins, but he was too much of a pussy to get circumcised. And he said I gave blowjobs like a bored leach on his dick. Ignoring the fact, he can't get it up half the time, he is the one with the leach. The things I did to that undeserving dick to get it up, I'm nothing short of a miracle worker."

"I bet you are." He was directly at his car door now.

"Fuck yeah I am. My blowjobs got me many jobs and many months of free rent when we were a young couple, unbeknownst to him. Ungrateful fuck. I'll show you Malcolm." And with that she dropped her ticket pad, marched over to Dante who was unaware leaning on his car nonchalantly. She got right up close to him, then went down in her knees and went for the zipper on his jeans.

"Woah Lady!" He protested. "Talk about ACTUAL sexual harassment."

"Relax kid. I'm gonna show you a good time, and that's Officer Bay to you." Before he could protest anymore, she unsheathed his dick for his jeans. Hung before her was a thick 8 inch piece of flesh she was waiting to devourer. Her eyes were full of lust. She just held the member in her hands, engrossed by it.

"This is a penis. Look at this. This beauty. This thick, long piece of dark meat, ohh this is what Mama has been missing out on all these years. No more licking seem tiny little white dick back to life, no. I want this hard rod in my mouth." And with that she took it into her mouth.

Dante moaned with pleasure. She was good. She has experience. She was doing everything so perfect, he hadn't felt this way before. She tickled her balls before giving them a generous lick. She used the roof of her mouth to glaze his tip. She coiled her tongue around it and just spiral-sucked it for a bit. She was showing him the best time of his life.

"Fuck, any man willing to give this up is not smart at all." Officer Bay took a second off her "post" to look up at him lustfully as thanks for his compliment.

"Now for the money shot." She took his cock in both hands and startes rubbing hard. Dante felt the orgasm coming.

"I'm…im about to…come." He whimpered out. She simply smiled, aimed it at her open mouth and rubbed even harder. He orgasmed with a mighty groan, and she took his load in full. She swallowed it down and got it with a triumphant look in her face.

"Ha, too bad Malcolm isn't here to see what he's missing." She sneered. "Now you're all warmed up, let's see what that cock can do." She got up onto the hood of his car, took off her police jacket and undershirt. The top half of her was completely naked. Her majestic gravity-defying boobs kept in place as she unhooked her beam letting them free as they seemed to look even larger now.

Then with a sexy, striptease-esque manner, she too off her trousers, rocking them down her body, revealing a plump little ass and a thin black lace thong. She threw her uniform on the the ground, then her thong and just beckoned him. He went to her like he was under a spell, but before he could reach her, she motioned him to stop.

"Wait, let me get my self a bit wet first." She gave herself a little wiggle befor announcing, "Ok, time for Mama to get her jollies. God knows how many time I've had to do this." Dante guessed it was an indirect insult to her previous unfullong husband.

She 2 of her slender fingers and just jammed them straight up her pussy. She finger blasted her self for a good few minutes, occasionally liking her fingers to taste herself. Dante couldn't help himself, he creeped over, slowly removed her fingers and replaced them with his.

He as more vigorous and you could see the organs building up. A few seconds later, it washed over her in a spasm of ecstasty. When she finally was unleashed from her paralysis, Dante was above her. Ready to penetrate her.

"What are you waiting for big boy? I'm wet. Let's see what that thing can do." He needed no further instructions. He dug his sizeable member deep into her. Balls deep on the first lunge. She could feel it insider her, stretching her out and she loved it. He went at it in missionary for a while, both of them loving every stroke, until she stopped him, and she went on top of him.

She rode that black stallion like a champ, grunting with lust and jaggered shouts of "Fuuuhck, Yoooou, Malcolm!" After 20 minutes, Dante felt his second coming.

"Come inside, I can feel that you're ready. Don't worry I had my tubes tied years ago." He let it rip inside her, filling her with his devil seed. The warm seems inside her then prompted her to orgasm simultepanosuly. The lips of her pussy clenched around his dick as they shared a brief moment of lust. That tired them both out.

They both clothed themselves and fixed themselves up.

"So, am I still going to get a ticket?" Dante asked. Officer Bay smiled one last time and reached for the ticket pad on the floor. She ripped one out and let it float to the road.

"Ticket. This is your ticket." She reached down her pants and made and intense rubbing motion. She was getting herself off again. After a minute, she let her pants loose one more time and let go a gloriously aimed squirt onto the ticket. Apparently that had taken a lot out of her, because she needed Dante's help to get up.

"I'm pretty sure the police won't be able to process that. Oops. Have a good one kid, because I sure did. Drive safe." With that she did up her pants, put on her shoes, got into her police car and drove off.

Dante was still flustered. As he zipped his jeans, he got ready to drive off again, and momentarily decided speeding again just to see what happened. He drove off, with a bulge in his pants that wasn't going anywhere soon, at exactly the 60 miles per hour.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2rpfwa/hell_hath_no_pussy_like_a_woman_scorned_mfroad