[MM] When too much testosterone turns you gay

This is a true story.

I was living in Reading, UK and was about 33 at the time. It was the middle of the winter and I haven’t had sex for 2 years! I was submissive since ever I remembered myself, and although I was never attracted to men I found cocks hot and sexy. I had a limited experience with men until that time however, mainly when serving couples as a sub.

I was going through a period where I would feel horny 24/7. No matter how man times I would masturbate, I would still be horny an hour later. Finding a woman into pegging and strap-ons was always difficult and I was pretty desperate.

Browsing the web I found myself looking at the website of (Pleasuredom)[http://www.pleasuredrome.com]. I was too horny and decided to go. I went into the shower, clean shaved my full body and got into my car.

After about an hour and a half of driving I was there. My heart was pounding through my chest as I opened the door and greeted by a very friendly guy.