Masturbation Club – Steven’s business trip to Santa Barbara [M] male masturbation

K.O.S.S. Masturbation Club – Steven’s business trip to Santa Barbara

My name is Steve and I am an American guy living in Tokyo doing freelance computer programming jobs. My hobby is to organize masturbation parties, host a masturbation forum online and enjoy life with my sexy Japanese wife who approves of my hobbies and turn-ons.

Recently I was hired by the Suntory Whiskey company to be a guide for a team of their staff to a business trip to visit Santa Barbara USA. They wanted me to arrange everything for the team of three people, escort them around town and do translation as none of them spoke English. The pay was amazing and I was excited to get a free trip to the USA, the bummer was that it was only for 3 days! Another reason I was excited and I must admit, aroused, is that my online masturbation buddy Joe aka “GentlemanJO” lives there and he agreed to meet me during the brief trip.

[story proposal] Masturbation Conference in New York 2020

Masturbation Conference in New York 2020

Hello, I have a new project in the works! Well, it is not really a conference but a fantasy story about the conference.

I want to make a webpage & poster for this “masturbation conference”

I need ideas to make it look as real as possible.

What topics would speakers present? What companies would sponsor it? What events would happen at the conference?

I have some naughty ideas and will write up a story tomorrow about this topic. Let me know any ideas…

[Group Masturbation] Knights of Spilling Seed Chapter 1 & 2

Chapter 1

Four years ago my life radically changed when I started dating a sweet lady online. We chatted almost daily and eventually I asked her to marry me. She said yes! I am one lucky man.

Around this same time period my long term hobby since 2010 was a private adult mens forum dedicated to masturbation. The idea was to be positive and open about it, to share stories and pictures and to help each other enhance our sessions. The main rule was to to be positive towards women, to adore them, love them, protect and cherish them. This is somewhat different than other websites and cultures that degrade women.

The men of the forum that contribute posts and share their passion of masturbation are eventually Knighted and earn the right of being KoSS. They can use Koss as a lastname for other forums if they wish.

General members of Spillingseed who enjoy browsing through the chit chat, stories and pictures but don’t wish to share are known as the Gentlemen of SpillingSeed, or Goss. They are welcome to use the Goss as their last name when visiting other forums, etc.