Cards Against [M]y Humanity

I had been dating my girlfriend for a few months. Nic was less experienced than me and enamored by our sexual life. This was the first time she was with a man who gave her the space to explore her sexuality. This excited her and I came to find out she bragged to her friends a lot about our sex life and my size.

One night her phone went off. I saw her screen light up and reached to grab the phone and bring it to her in the kitchen. With her hands still wet from doing the dishes she asked me to read the text to her. I obliged. It was a text from her best friend Sacha. Sacha asked how “Mr. Anana” was doing. I laughed and told her that was an odd name, one I hadn’t heard before. She smirked at me and said that’s because they made the name up. I was confused. She shut off the water, dried her hands and turned to lean against the sink while talking to me. Nic said that the last time her and Sacha were together she was telling her about our sex life. She described our chemistry and connectedness. The night before the conversation with Sacha we fucked on the floor in her living room, where we both came together at the same time. That hadn’t happened to her before. Eventually her conversation with Sacha turned to my size and Sacha was unsatisfied with Nic’s description of me as “hung.” Sacha wanted a visual aid and grabbed a newly-ripe banana on her counter. Nic said Sacha asked her how much smaller was I compared to the banana. She shook her head and laughed saying that she’d need a few more *anas* to approximate the size (a play on the end of the word banana, like “banan*ananan*a”.) I just shook my head and laughed. I went back to the room.

[M]emories of Aida

It was in my sister’s kitchen–aside our nephew’s first birthday gifts, in front of the orchids her brother bought my sister the prior week–that I first felt her electricity.

She ‘s my sister’s sister-in-law. I have a close family so for me it felt like crossing a line. But, it is a line that I would cross dozen times again. It’s a line that I am still crossing to this day.
We were both spending time at my sister’s house on reprieve from our complicated and stressful personal lives. Aida was 22 and struggling with post-college life. Her father was away in Jacksonville and she missed her brother and nephew so decided to spend time at the house. A way of leaning back in. I was 25 and had just ended a destructive two year relationship.

We had flirted at moments before, but I mostly ignored her. She was younger, less experienced and mentally a bunch of lessons behind. It felt wrong. It felt like a line.

Then I crossed that line.

She liked to show [m]e off

I had been dating Rachel for a year. It was a whirlwind relationship. We were extremely close and intense until it all burst and consumed itself. But before that, during better times things were glorious.

We were in love with each other because of our differences. I am soft spoken. I let my presence speak for me. She was quite the opposite. Outgoing and outspoken she got energy from being social. Always. She needed new like no one I ever knew. She needed constant stimulation. Besides me, she could only be close to a few people because they frankly couldn’t handle her.

This is why I was surprised when she let her new friend, her soon-to-be best friend move in. Rachel met Regan and things shifted. They got real close. Again, interesting because they were so opposite. Not in personality, but in temperament and appearance. Rachel was a tall girl (5’7”), very thin (105/110 lbs.), perky breasts, tight, tone, perky ass soaked by California sunshine. Regan was from the Midwest, short (5’3”), and very large breasts. She was in shape, but she wasn’t thin in the same way. She was gorgeous, like Rachel, but in her own way. More than that I really liked who they both made each other. As friends they made each other better and that’s a great thing to see when you’re in love with someone. They were inseparable.

[M]y First Threesome, Came After My First Orgy

My first threesome came after my first orgy. And I’m glad it did. While experiencing many people at the same time is great, it can also be overwhelming. You can get lost in an ocean of stimulation. It takes experience to learn how to navigate that ocean and direct its course. I had my first orgy at 17, and became overwhelmed with the stimulation. At 22, I had my first threesome and was much better prepared for the task.

We did not plan the threesome. My college girlfriend, Ariel invited her new friend/co-worker over to try and set her up with my roommate, Barry. Her new friend, Melody was already in a relationship, but Ariel was not fond of her boyfriend. She said he was too spineless and insecure. She thought Barry would be a better suitor.