My Wives, Yin and Yang – Part 1 [MFF] [Polygamy] [Emotion] [NNN] [DWP]

This story is based on this post from dirty writing prompts.

[WP] Your significant other will do literally ANYTHING in order to get you to fail No Nut November… from DirtyWritingPrompts

After leaving work one chilly November evening, Josh made his way to his car. That day was the last Friday of November. As Josh drove home, he dreaded walking through the front door. He had decided to participate in No Nut November that year, thinking it’d be easy. Boy was he wrong. After realizing how hard it’d be after just two days, he decided to try and keep his wife, Mary, from finding out. That didn’t go quite to plan, as later that same day Mary felt in the mood. When Josh turned her down, something unheard of, she pressed him until he spilled the beans. From that day on, she did everything short of drugging him to try to get him to break. That is if you don’t count the aphrodisiac tea recipe she found online. However, he never would have imagined that what he came home to that evening was in the playbook.

The Ethereal Bond Pt. 4 [F][MF] [Voyeur] [Anal] [CNC]

Part 3

This is part two of the Jenny/Taylor side story. I think I’ll do a lot of these and try to work some bits of lore into them. As the tags should note, this part will include cnc (rape play). I’ve changed up the tag formatting to hopefully improve SEO. Part five should be main story content, so stay tuned for plot progression!

Abigail milled around in the kitchen of the old house. Feeling blue, she looked out the window into the soft rain. She had felt down for almost a week by that point. The mood of the house was steadily decreasing, though Abby was unsure why. While watching the two inhabitants of the home, she noticed Jenny would cry alone quite a bit when James was away. The negativity in the air must have been coming from her, but Abby couldn’t figure out exactly why.

Abigail ventured to the lover’s bedroom to discover Jenny once again crying on the bed. Prior to that week, Abby would frequently find Jenny masturbating in her room in-between chores, but now she cried instead. Whatever it was, it was bad enough to stop her from compulsively getting herself off. The two women heard the front door open and close, the sign that James had arrived home from work. Jenny collected herself and hid the evidence that she’d been crying, then went to greet him.

The Ethereal Bond Pt. 3 [Voyeur F->MF] [DWP]

Part 2

In the interest of providing some explicit sex scenes without forcing plot progression, I’ve decided to do a flashback. I’m thinking of sprinkling these in every few parts or so. We’ll see!

Abigail stared out the window. She’d been in this house so long, and been alone the whole time. Well, that wasn’t exactly true. People had occupied the house before James, but she was never able to talk to them. There had been a few interactions between her and occupants, but most of them were what people would typically refer to as odd coincidences. Unbeknownst to them that these situations were actually supernatural. Abby reminisced about the time when Jenny and Taylor lived there.

Jenny and Taylor Langley were a naive, young couple who occupied the house just before James bought it. They found it on a real estate site and we’re excited by the price. Most people would be weary about the price of the home, the age, and the general feeling of unease others experienced when visiting, but they went for it.

The Ethereal Bond Pt. 2 [MF] [DWP]

Part 1 here

The Ethereal Bond Pt. 1 [MF] [DWP] from eroticliterature

Like part one, this one isn’t very sexual. It does have suggestive themes. The story should get progressively more sexual as the part numbers increase. Again, this is my first story, so I’m open to criticism. That’s all for now!

James awoke late. It was around noon when he rolled out of bed. His sleep was not very sound, and he felt as though he only got four hours in. James looked into his mirror, recalling the events of the previous night. Was it really a hallucination, or did he pass out and have a bizarre dream? James pulled some clothes on and went down stairs. Turning the corner into the kitchen, he nearly fell backwards at the sight of the figure standing in the middle of the kitchen floor. He sat back down on the steps, obstructing his view of the kitchen.

“I’m fuckin’ losin’ it,” he whispered to himself. James got up and peeked back into the kitchen. A sigh of relief left his lips at finding his kitchen empty.

The Ethereal Bond Pt. 1 [MF] [DWP]

This story is based off of this prompt on r/DirtyWrittingPrompts

[WP] While burning the midnight oil you see a shadowy figure in your office hallway. Upon investigation you find an incredibly lonely ghost from DirtyWritingPrompts

I’m not the best writer, and this is the first time I’m posting any of my writing, but I hope you think this is a good first start. This also isn’t hypersexual, but as it is still nsfw, I’m posting it here.


“Fuckin’ ‘ell” sighed James. It was already 3 a.m. for the 3rd night in a row. The cool air of the Autumnal night rolled through the open window. The full moon beamed through the window frame and illuminated the otherwise dark study. In the study stood a sturdy desk. It was littered with papers, writing implements and books. James made an effort to put in order what was in front of him, but shortly gave up.

Being a writer wasn’t easy. Although he already had a successful book that made him money, his alternative lifestyle still took its toll. The door to the study creaked open slightly, catching James’ attention. He stared the door down as if it were likely to make a run for it.