Broken Friendzone [Femdom] [Dubcon]

When Avalon showed up at his door, more than a little tipsy, he wasn’t too surprised. “Heyy, mind if I com in?” she asked, clearly having had a drink or three. Jeff was somewhat used to this. Usually, Ava would show up after having a fight with her boyfriend, and he’d let her vent about it and stay the night. They were friends, but for Jeff, it was more like the friendzone. After being shot down a few times with the typical, “I love you, but not in that way,” and, “You’re a really nice guy, but we’re just friends,” he had resigned himself to a completely platonic relationship with her. He still fantasized about her, and sometimes even cried about how she would pick assholes over him, but ultimately he was and would always be just a friend. His other friends, few as they may have been, made fun of him for it, calling him a simp, and deep down he knew that was what he was.

“Yes, of course, what’s wrong?” he asked almost artificially. He already had a good idea of what happened.

“I- that son of a bich! And tha whore Brittany! To timing slut!” Avalon was clearly pissed.

I Can’t Wait to See You [Yandere] [Love Letter]

You know you’re always on my mind, right?

I know we haven’t talked much, but I feel like we’ve really gotten to know each other over the past few semesters. I wish we could have more classes together. It’s so much fun taking classes with you. You’re so smart.

I’ve been trying to work up the courage to approach you, but your charm is just so intimidating. I think it’s really cool that you drive. I’m not allowed to have a license, so I think it’s really cool. Maybe you could drive me places? What a coincidence that your car is my favorite color, red!

I really like your house too. I know it’s not really “yours,” but I live at home too, or did, so it’s ok! Your parents seem really nice. They always seem so friendly when they talk with your neighbors, especially Mrs. Jensen. It must be really sad losing your husband. I’d never let that happen to you.

Passed Down [MF] [Maid] [Supernatural] [Inexperienced Male] [Experienced Female]

I live quite differently than most people in the modern-day. My parents own a manor and have a maid named Idabelle who has been in my family’s service for longer than I can remember. The circumstances surrounding my family’s wealth and atypical comfort are a bit of a mystery to most people, including myself, but as I get older, I am learning more about it. Idabelle’s position oft confuses people who know of her. We generally tell people she is an employee, but I think “indentured servant” is a better description. When I turned eighteen, I learned a lot more about Ida’s role in our family.

One Fall evening I sat at my oaken desk doing homework as I often did. I was then in my last year of high school, and staying in my room studying for hours was a common occurrence. My parents had gone out to a party that night and left me behind to attend to my schoolwork. It didn’t really bother me, upper echelon “parties” are just networking events with fancy food. It is a bunch of obligatory meeting and dealing and quite exhausting, to tell the truth. I did not mind being left behind.

I’m Sorry I Broke Your Bed (Part 4) [MF] [Incest]

Part 3:

I’m Sorry I Broke Your Bed (Part 3) [MF] [Incest] from eroticliterature

After the twins’ little session in Josh’s bed, he got ready for school, letting Chelsey recuperate in his bed. There he let her sleep until her alarm went off, at which point he got her up. They finished getting ready, and went out to the bus. On the way to school, Chelsey put her head on the bus window and didn’t talk the whole ride; her arousal had detracted from the prior night’s sleep quality. Sabrina and Josh chatted on the way to school, but Sabrina’s responses were a bit more hesitant than usual.

The school day played out how any other school day did, and then it was time to go home. When Josh got on the bus, Sabrina was already waiting in their usual spot.

“Hey,” Josh said as he sat in the seat across from her.

“Hi,” she responded distractedly, and Josh looked over at her. She took a breath, “Um… Josh. Do you think… maybe… we could go out sometime?”

I’m Sorry I Broke Your Bed (Part 3) [MF] [Incest]

Part 2:

I’m Sorry I Broke Your Bed (Part 2) [MF] [Incest] from eroticliterature

Josh and Chelsey departed the field and made it back to the desolate road. Despite all meteorological logic, the temperature had risen to ninety degrees. This both helped and hurt the sanguineous lovers. They now had a good excuse for why it looked like they ran a marathon, but it also made the walk greuling. Chelsey, understandably, was not happy. Between the hot, wet air and her brother’s sexual treachery, she wasn’t having a good time. The two hardly spoke to each other the rest of the way home. Josh felt a little bad for what he did to his sister, but he wanted to see just how desperate she could get. It was also cathartic having her, and not himself, be the one kept from release. When they arrived home, Chelsey went straight to her room.

“She ok?” their mom, Karina, asked Josh.

“Yeah, I think it’s just the heat. We didn’t expect it to get so hot,” he lied as naturally as he breathed. He took a seat on the couch.

“Well, did you have fun?” she asked.

I’m Sorry I Broke Your Bed (Part 2) [MF] [Incest]

Part 1:

I’m Sorry I Broke Your Bed (Part 1) [DWP] [Incest] from eroticliterature

Chelsey woke up first the next morning. As her eyes opened to the morning glow coming through her window, she could feel her brother’s warmth against her. Despite her little experience with her brother during the small hours of the morning, she felt very well rested. However, clean she did not feel, and indeed there was a layer of sweat between herself and her familial interloper, as well as a sticky feeling between her legs. Speaking of her brother, Josh’s arms were still about her, one on her breast and the other between her legs. Beyond that, Chelsey could feel Josh’s morning wood pressing against her thick but firm ass.

She untangled herself from him and got up, proceeding to the bathroom to shower. When she was nice and dry, she returned to find Josh awake in her bed.

“Morning Josh,” she said nonchalantly, though with a hint of affection.

Josh sat up, uncovering his top half. He flexed his right hand, dirtied and sore from the night’s deed. “Ow, is your hand sore every time you go at it?” He asked, not being used to fingering.

I’m Sorry I Broke Your Bed (Part 1) [DWP] [Incest]

This post was inspired by this post on Dirty Writing Prompts:

Josh had left his door open as he was cleaning off the high shelf on his wall. It was covered in a thick layer of dust and was previously covered in years of various items, from trophies to bits of junk. The items had been taken down, and he had a rag in hand to clean up the dust.

“Boo!” Someone shouted behind him and tapped his back. Josh jumped so hard he lost his balance, leaning back off the step ladder he was standing on. As he fell, he turned, seeing the surprised face of his twin sister, Chelsey, as he collapsed toward her. She tried to side step out of the way, but could not in time, being brought down with her brother. Crash! The twins both came down hard onto his bed, causing the underlying structure of the frame to crack under their combined force. The two laid there for a second on the drooping mattress.

Claire’s Birthday Gift [FM] [DWP] [Incest] [Gentle Femdom]

This post was inspired by this other post on the DWP subreddit:

[WP] (Incest) Even though they were both adults now, his older sister insisted on bathing and showering with him, and she got very handsy. Now she wants to have some "real fun", and he doesn’t know if he can deny her. from DirtyWritingPrompts

“Come on, pleeeaaase? Mom and dad won’t be home ’till tomorrow.” Claire begged her little brother, Luke.

“No, it’s weird. I’m not taking a shower with you. We’re too old for this.” Responded Luke, frustrated by his sister’s creepy pestering.

“Oh Luke, we’ve been doing it since we were little. It’s not weird. It’s not like you’d get hard from seeing your sister naked,” she jided.

“Fuck you!” Luke half-yelled. He knew that she knew just how self conscious he was about that. “I never asked to see you naked, you’re the one that insists on it.”

She smiled, affecting an understanding tone. “It’s okay Luke, I understand. It’s just biology. There’s nothing you need to be ashamed of.”

My Wives, Yin and Yang – Part 3 [MFF] [Polygamy] [Emotion]

Part 2

Like I promised, this is it. The story continues after, but this will be the conclusion of what you might call the intro. Enjoy!

Josh laid Sam on his bed, careful not to lift her skirt up. Although it would be coming off anyway, it wasn’t time yet. She lay on the bed, looking up at him, waiting for him to make his move. He made a show of tilting his head back, as though trying to peek under her skirt. Sam smiled and pulled her legs together. It had the desired effect of lightening the mood.

“Mind if I take your shirt off?” Josh asked.

Sam paused for a second, “You first.”

“Fair enough,” he said, and they both smiled.

Josh slowly undid his tie and buttons. He pulled the bottom of his shirt out of his pants then removed it, tossing it onto the bed.

“Your turn,” said Josh playfully.

My Wives, Yin and Yang – Part 2 [MFF] [Polygamy] [Emotion]

Part 1

After part one, I was so excited to start part two. I think this is shaping up to be my favorite thing I’ve written.

The three sat excitedly in the living room. Sam fidgeted in her seat, her mind swirling with emotions. Josh sat almost statue-like running ideas through his mind. So many doors had just appeared before him and he was speculating what lie beyond each one. Mary looked at Sam and, though only a few years her senior, was reminded of her youth. Sam’s lack of experience reminded her of an adolescent in a way. She was naive and excited in a way that gets worn away over the years.

Then, Mary spoke up, “Tell you what, I’ll give the two of you the night together. I’ll be in the spare room.” Mary got up and walked over to Sam, placed her hands on her shoulders and whispered seductively into her ear, “Remember your part of the deal. I want to see your dedication too. Remember the picture. I’ll have a morning after pill for you tomorrow.”