A less than fair maiden

I jumped to the right as the dragon went zipping past me. I swung my blade down and shaved off some of its scales as its tail went streaming by. It skittered to a stop, turning to face me with a loud growl. Its burning red eyes glared at me in hatred. I readied my shield only to leap away to the right as a pillar of fire billowed forth from its maw. An arrow streaked towards the dragon from my peripheral and landed in its jaw, earning a roar of agony. It turned towards the archer and started running towards him. I made a dash to get between the two. An arrow flew directly into the beasts eye, causing it to stumble. I got to it and threw my full weight into my sword, aiming at the creatures neck.
My blade sank in slowly at a rough patch I had cut the scales off of earlier. The dragon roared and jumped back as I dodged away. It attempted to open its mouth but only a spray of blood came out. The archer, my partner Darien, joined me as we watched the beast drown in its own blood. Cruel as it was we had no way of getting close enough to finish it off without getting harmed by its death throes.
After a while it stopped moving with a gargle and I went to retrieve my sword, only to find the blade had melted and the liquid metal had been what it choked on to death. I kept the melted handle as proof. Darien used a small knife to cut out its remaining eye and horns as well as a strange organ that had a red glow to it.
“I’ll get these to my witch contact. You can take whatever else you think has value. Go gloat at a bar or something, you certainly earned it.” He said, poking at the hole in its neck.
“Hell yeah I did!” I laughed, waving around my stub of a sword. I decided to take its leg and see what dragon meat tastes like, as well as all of its claws and teeth. “I’ll see you in town lad, make sure you’re there to collect the reward money with me tomorrow, the ol’ fellow seems rather fond of you.” I said, giving him a slap on the back as we parted ways at the caves entrance.
I found myself in the village bar before long. A drink in hand and a small crowd around me.
“…And then the thing just fell over dead, and my poor sword all melted up from the fires of its guts!” I finished. The crowd cheered as I ended the story and I finished off the ale mug. “Now then bartender, how about you point me towards a room a big man like myself can rest weary bones!” I said with jest, flipping a coin in my hand.
“Ha! My apologies big fellow but the people you have attracted with your tales of grandeur have already taken every room I have. Though I’m sure some one would be willing to share a room… or bed, with you for a night!” He said loud enough for all the other visitors to hear through the din.
“If you’re lookin’ fer a room I’m sure I could spare ya some space!” An eager woman said, taking my arm.
“Oh dear! T’would seem me and my fellow girls don’t have someone to keep us safe for the night from prying eyes, oh if only a strong man with real fighting experience were to offer his services so kindly in return for our everlasting gratefulness!” Came the dramatic remark from a stunning girl with purple hair and dancers clothes that show her every curve. I looked behind her and saw a slew of other girls dressed the same but in different colors corresponding to their hair colors, green, blue, red, orange and purple. All of them sleek and with muscular stomachs. I think I had made my choice already.
“Well, I can’t very well leave such beautiful ladies unguarded for such a cold and lonely night.” I said, pulling away from the other girl and noting that it had to be fifty degrees outside despite my flirtatious comment. Giggling the girl took my hand and followed the others, leading me to their room.
It was one of the larger rooms you could find in an inn, two beds and a small lamp burning dimly on a table. I had no idea where they were planning to put the fifth girl as only two would fit in each bed.
“So what brings such lovely dancers to a small town like this one?” I asked them.
“Well, sometimes we like to get away from the capital cities to make less money but have more fun, if you know what I mean.” The one with orange tinted black hair replied. After stating this she moved in attempting to remove my clothes. The other four removed theirs, equally as enthusiastic looks one their faces.
“Ah! Professionals in each respect!” I laughed, removing my own clothes. Before I could even begin I heard a cry from outside, it muffled half way. I looked out the window to see a dark dressed character holding a cloth to a womans mouth and hauling her away. Without a second thought I threw open the window and leapt out the second story window. Rolling across the ground I ran after the two, going to pull my sword before recalling its sorry state.
I caught up to the man, his retreat slowed by the person he was pulling along. I put a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey bud.” I said questioningly before throwing a right hook that knocked him out cold. I removed the cloth from the girls face and helped her orientate herself, she had a frenzied look, and rightfully so. I kept my hands on her arms to prevent her from swinging at me until she calmed down. She realized I was not her captor and gazed at me for a moment.
“You okay miss?” I asked, letting go of her.
“Y-yes… umm…” she glanced around and saw the unconcious man and it dawned on her. “Oh! Thank you! This trouble maker her decided I would make for a good slave and tried to take off with me! She exclaimed, kicking the fellows body for emphasis.
“Well you’re safe now lass, now you should run home. Lots’o these types prowling at night.” I started to back away, noting her appearance before turning away. She had vibrant blonde hair and a white dress that looked a bit pricey, though now stained with dirt. Her face was soft and smooth making her appear young, but her breasts said otherwise, the cleavage she was showing would no doubt earn a nasty look from a church goer. Her dress poofed out a bit at the waist, at least leaving that quite to the imagination. I started to walk back, hoping the ladies weren’t too angry with my escapade to not at least still share the room.
“Wait! You’re the fellow who killed the dragon everyone is talking about arn’t you?” She quickly stepped after me, grabbing my arm. I then realized I dwarfed her, being six one while she had to be five three.
“Yeah, I am he.” I smiled kindly but dismissively. I didn’t want the inn to close before I got back.
“I would be honored to show you a roof and kindness if you be in need of it.” She looked up hopefully, a spark in her pretty green eyes.
“Ah, what the hell, inn’s probably just closed anyhow.” I said with a nod. She did a cute little hop and, without letting go of my arm, led me to her home.
It was a small place, cozy and warm, and especially clean. It had a number of rather nice animal skin rugs and blankets and even a taxidermied moose head.
“How did you afford such a nice place, being an unmarried girl and all.” I asked.
“Ohhh… my step brother was a hunter and did taxidermy and died a year ago, I requested to stay here instead of the mansion afterwards in order to “learn the people I may have to govern.””
“Ah, so you’re some nobles daughter then?” She spun around as soon as I said it.
“And that has nothing to do with how my going abouts are you know.” She puffed out her cheeks in irritation.
“No need to get defensive, I don’t mind none.” As soon as I finished my sentence she pushed me backwards into a chair and started undoing my armor.
“You and me are going to have a long night, as thanks for saving me back there.” She purred.
“I’m happy to oblige m’lady.” I grinned. She looked at me with an devilish smirk and suddenly mashed her lip into mine, engaging in a deep kiss. By the time our lips separated she had my pants off and was edging closer to the chair. I couldn’t do a thing before her breasts where suddenly shoved directly into my face. I enjoyed the feel for a brief moment before my attention was quickly called elsewhere. It felt like she had wrapped her dress around my shaft and was stroking it with her hand on the other side, the silk felt explosive on my hardening prick, the fabric rubbing in all the right places to cover my cock in a tingling sensation.
After I became fully hard she moved back and reached behind herself, undoing the straps of her dress. She let the top half drop down, revealing her gorgeous breasts. She moved towards me again and took my hands, placing them at her waist, encouraging me to slide the bottom half of her dress down. Adhering to her wish I came to the glorious revelation that her hips and butt were even more erection… I mean attention calling, than her breasts. I forced her dress the rest of the way down her legs and dropped it to the floor. She stepped out and pushed it back with her foot. I thought she was about to pounce forth and take me like a dog in heat, but she stopped and turned slowly, starting some sort of dance. Her hips swinging slowly back and forth, the most distracting pendulum I had ever seen. Her movements smoother than water and her entire body being played like an instrument of lust. I was growing evermore eager with her every action. Before I realized what was happening she had put a foot up on the arm of the chair, her whole body rippling like water. Her finger drew a line from my chest up to my chin, pushing it put to look at her eyes which smiled seductively back down at me.
She put her leg back down and pulled me forward in the chair so I was almost falling out, and straddled my lap, facing me and smiling, with more than just lust, maybe mischievously? She dropped down and I felt her warmth over my cock, her eye level dropping down to looking at my chest. She had to look up at me, her eyes wide and mouth slightly agape with a soft sigh.
After a short moment of adjusting to an eight inch rod of flesh she started moving up and down, gaining speed until she was moving rythmeticaly. I leaned forward, letting her rest her back on my hands I started humping in with double the speed she had been.
“Impatient are we big guy?” She said between gasps. It was but a moment before she clamped down hard and orgasmed, a sticky spray covering my groin as she cried out. Her clenched muscles drove me over the edge and I bottomed out, holding tight and feeling her soft mounds of flesh on my chest as I filled her up.
“Ooh, I do hope you aren’t done yet.” She said, looking up into my eyes passionately. She almost seemed pleading, no way could I turn down such a beauty.
I think I might just have another go in me yet.” She did a sort of squeal, pulling of with a wet sound  and leaning down to lick off our combined fluids. She made more of a mess of it rather than cleaning up but I didn’t question it, she did seem experienced at the very least. She got up again and signaled for me to follow her. She led me to a low, sturdily built table with an animal hide covering the top. She climbed up onto it facing away and wiggled her butt at me, looking back with sultry written all over her face. I aimed myself to her still dripping cunt and was about to go in when she reached back and grabbed my dick, pulling up quickly just as I thrust forward, coming full hilt into her asshole.
FUCK it was tight, I only made it in thanks to all the lube from earlier.
“Bet you never met a girl who liked it in there before huh?” She asked with a husky voice. I could hardly reply, this felt far better than I thought it would. “Just start slow for honey.” She moaned, wiggling her hips. I granted her desire, starting with a steady rythem
“You’re quite the slut arn’t you?” I said, giving her ass a slap which earned me a pleasing squeak.
“Mmm, I’ve waited so long for someone like you to lumber into town, now shut up show me those dragon slaying muscles big guy!” She started pushing back and forth to get me to speed up. I obliged of course, going in fast and hard, her moans turning to shouts of pleasure, making me wonder if the neighbors would be bothered. Oh well, I don’t live here! I bent over her to get a better hold, literally putting my back into it. After a moment, without touching her vagina, she came hard, soaking the animal skin. I wasn’t quite there yet. I picked her up before she even finished cumming, holding her legs above her head and most of her weight on my prick. I bounced her at the same time as thrusting, causing each movement to have her whole body thrown into it. Powerful strokes.
“Holy… shit!” She cried, apparantly there was a trick even she didn’t know. A moment later a projectile stream of her cum shot out of her pussy, covering the opposite wall. That’s what I was waiting to see, being a fantastic squirter as she was.
“I’m gonna pee!” She cried, barely able to speak through her moans. I ignored her, fucking her rough and deep, only sidling a bit to the left where there was dirt instead of wood flooring, being an older house. “Shit, lemme go real quick!” She spoke in a high voice, clearly pleasure overwhelming some coherent thought.
“No, not until I get my turn cumming in this glorious hole you’ve introduced me to!” I laughed. Her body went rigid and she screamed, her hole clenching hard, causing me to cum at last. Her warm and rough pucker was quickly leaking with my fluid and I sat down on the wood floor, facing the dirt floor and spreading her legs open wide along with mine.
She started peeing a long unsteady stream and I kept bouncing her on my lap, her moans and screams blending together. Was she cumming and peeing at the same time? Oh, and she had just a bit of drool leaking out.
I reached around and grabbed her tits, massaging them as her quivering body continued to puls as she came. I pulled her head to the side and kissed her roughly. Her orgasm finally subsided and she simply kept panting, keeping quiet otherwise. I lay down on the warm rug with her on top of me, keeping my softening dick in her recently loosened butt.
“That… was… fucking…. great…” she gasped.
“You were too. I sincerely hope I am welcome next time I am in town.” I chuckled.
“Oh you’re more than welcome, maybe next time bring a friend so I can cross that off the list. She laughed. I reached over and grabbed a pelt, laying it on us like a blanket. I fell asleep soon to her quite breaths and warm, smooth skin.