I apologize for being so long winded, but you can skip to the ***** of the action
A little backstory
My GF and I have been dating for a little over two years now. She lives with one of her sorority sister from college and ever since we met, her roommate has made it well know that she dislikes me for no reason at all. My only idea as to why is she because after college, my GF moved back to her hometown, and her roommate followed her to a city she’s never lived in. Her roommate can be very controlling and although her roommate does have friends here now, they spent most of their time together prior to us meeting and that changed when we started dating. Needless to say we don’t get along very well so this was a score for me for sure.
Although we have fucked in her room once before, it was on the couch in her room earlier in our relationship so we took it easier than I would have liked. This time we didn’t hold back.