Too buzzed to Care [FMM]

Holy fuck it happened. Like holy shit my greatest fantasy just got fulfilled. I literally can’t believe it. So, some context. I went out for a girl’s night with my friend and she is super hot. I was literally fantasizing about her boyfriend earlier today and it took just a few drinks for me to spill how much I found him attractive. She was flattered. My friend is a bit kinkyer than I could imagine. She texted her boy and also helped me hook up with a guy on our night out. Best girls night ever.

So, she told me a few tips to get a true hunk. I can’t quite remember what it was but fuck it works. I got a guy with the perfect looks to follow us home to my friend’s apartment. Her boyfriend was already waiting, cutting his boys night short. I couldn’t believe my luck. My friend sat and watched the whole time. This stranger, I will call Dale, was super eager he didn’t mind another guy being involved. Fuck I can literally still feel him inside me. I’m getting ahead of myself. So, we were all awkwardly hanging out at my friend’s place, knowing exactly what was going to happen but too afraid to mention it. My friend’s boyfriend Scott makes the first move.

A Shower of Jealous Emotions [F 23] (Imagined Cheating Story) Mild Spider Scare

I went over to a friend’s place this weekend. They live a little while from campus but close enough to walk, if you don’t mind the exercise. When I arrived my friend’s boyfriend Scott greeted me at the door. I was not expecting to see him, since we were meeting up to do a girl’s night, so I was kinda flustered. We exchanged quick greetings and he invited me in to sit on the couch. My friend had to fill in for their Biology lab partner, for a fly experiment, and was running late. Her boyfriend was instructed to let me in, but stay out of my way until she gets back. He asked if I needed anything before mumbling that he had something to do. I paid him no mind and crashed on the couch.

Awash With Pleasure [F23] ( Exhabitionism Story)

My college has a nice little laundry room that I like to use. It’s a bit out of the way, being behind my dorm complex, and the entrance is slightly hidden behind a small hedge. Most of the other students don’t really notice it or even care. The room only has a few older machines. All my roommates tend to use the neighboring dorm’s much nicer laundry facility. So, I can do my laundry with a bit of privacy. Normally I will walk around my building and down into the cozy little nook. I do my laundry kinda late with no good outfits to wear. Often I will have a baggie sweater on and an old pair of panties. I bring a book with me, sometimes my switch if I’m too tired to read. It is a nice way to spend a few hours away from everyone.

Sweat and Sauna, at the gym [FF] (lesbian story)

It’s a rather cold day, so I decided to go to the gym to warm up a little. I love the feeling of getting all sweaty and then hitting the gym’s sauna to rejuvenate. I decided to do some light lifting and get my cardio on the elliptical. The cardio equipment overlooks an astroturf patch that lots of hot people like to stretch on. I tend to get a little horny at the gym, it’s hard not too. I’m also bi so it hits twice as hard having to watch so many hot people getting steamy.

I’m about halfway done with my routine when the most gorgeous girl walks in. She’s maybe just a bit older than me, so in her late twenties. She has a short and messy haircut, like she just got out of bed but still looking good. She has on these spats that cling tightly to her ass. They have a bright neon magenta elastic band at the top, matching her wrist sweatbands. Her shirt is literally one of those half length exercise tank tops that gives me a decent view of her side boob as she walks by. She is gorgeous and I am so jealous of how she manages to have some muscles on her stomach while keeping her curves looking so juicy.

Drink Your Fill (Vampire Story) Part 2

[Part 2/2]

Ellis’ fingers brushed lightly against Lady Viktoria’s hand as he tickled the keys. He glances up and smiles. Lady Viktoria returned the smile with a slight blush. The song ends and Cornelius claps boisterously. “Good show, good show, very well played” he ambles over towards the cellarette, opens the door and gestures at the bottle inside. Lady Viktoria nods and Cornelius pours out a glass. He takes a sip from the bottle before heading back to the mantle. 

Drink Your Fill (Vampire Story) part 1

[Part 1/2]

The clock ticked patiently as two suitors waited to court their potential bride-to-be. Cornelius Marsh glared impatiently  at his pocket watch for the third time that evening. A gruff grumble escaped his mustache, and his nose twitched as he readjusted his forced smile. Ellis Brooks, reassured his friend “We haven’t been waiting long, Cornelius”. Ellis smoothed his slick black hair with a nonchalant hand that stretched out into a yawn. “The dowager duchess, Lady Viktoria Meire, will be down shortly. There is nothing you or I can do to hasten her descent”.  Ellis leaned back in his seat and set his feet against a nearby chair. “I know, I know Ellis” Cornelius blustered through thick lips “still, I can’t help but feel like we are being made to wait on purpose. It frustrates me to no end.” The older suitor leaned against his section of wall like a gnarled tree, standing strong but not quite what it used to be. Ellis began to provide his counterpart with a rebuttal when a figure began to glide elegantly down the stairs. 

Skirt Hiking (Lesbian Story)

I love hiking!! There is honestly nothing like the rewarding feeling you get from cresting the top of a long and difficult trek up some dusty mountain road. It makes you feel: exhausted, sweaty, totally winded, but that view of raw fucking nature gives you a sense you are taking part of something majestic.

I lied. I experienced one feeling that tops the simple pleasures of regular hiking and I’m going to share it with you.

It happened over the Mother’s Day Weekend. My mom was out of town so I had nothing seriously planned, I already called her to wish her a happy day like a good daughter should. I was going to just lounge around all Sunday without a care in the world, when my friend called me to see what I was up to. I say friend but what I truly mean is this absolute unit of a girl I have the biggest crush on. We met at a game night a few weeks back and haven’t been able to hang out together since then. She is almost six feet with curves and muscles for days. A bombshell and a beefcake all wrapped into one body. The best part is that she is a total nerd and apparently loves to hike. She called me up to see if I would like to go hiking with her. There was no way I would turn an offer like this down. She gives me 45min to get ready before coming by to pick me up. So, I had only so much time to figure out what to wear to impress her.