First pegging experience

Josh and Tyler had been friends since middle school. From there the bond between them only grew stronger as they went through high school and then college together.

After college, Josh moved to Nashville after receiving a great job offer with an investment firm. Tyler had moved to New York City to further pursue her art. Now at 28, they found themselves again brought back together in New York City after Josh took a promotion that took him to the Big Apple.

Josh could be described as a charming. This, coupled with his intelligence, lead to a very successful career. He was 6’1 205lbs and light green eyes. He had a muscular build and defined jawline.

His brown hair was always neatly manicured and he usually maintained just a bit of scruff. Josh took great pride in his appearance and continued a rigorous gym routine even after his college football days had ended.

Tyler on the other hand was more of a free spirit. While she was very athletic like Josh, and was very much a tomboy, they differed in nearly every other way. Tyler was 5’4 120lbs.