**Christmas with the Starship Rimshot Girls**


Within the constellation Orion, five planets in three star-systems adopted Chinese forms of art, architecture and clothing-styles. They did not adopt anything close to any form of Chinese government: neither Dynastic, Communist, nor Big-Cash Communist. These far planets valued art almost as much as money, and exported their musicians, charging fees no Earth-musician ever earned. Among the touring virtuoso players was Xin Kuan, without question the most talented erhu performer in the history of the instrument. She began touring when she was ten years old, and arrived on Regulus IV when she was fifteen. (Here we must make clear: on Regulus and on the Chinese-style planets children mature quickly, and the age-of-sexual-consent varies widely. Some young people know all about fucking, and behave maturely about fucking, as young as twelve. In other words, a sexy twelve-year old has no hesitation to tell an older uncle to fuck-off, and will probably laugh at the pathetic loser. In such societies, sexual intimidation does not exist. The

value of a good education.)

The Hermaphrodite King attended a performance on Regulus IV, in the home of the Martian Ambassador, a performance of three sonatas for violin and piano, arranged for erhu by Xin Kuan.


**Christmas with the Starship Rimshot Girls**


Lt. Alastair McGonagal, chief navigator of Starship Rimshot, needed a vacation. He was worn out, with no interest or energy left inside him, except for local pleasures. For the past two month he was far off, three galaxies away from Earth, suppressing an thick infestation of Insectoid Brill. A pirate confederation of these arthropods were obsessed with the Seven Pleiades Sisters, wanting insert proboscis into young warn vaginae, and inject each human girl with hot, sticky spurts of gelatinous ooze.

“Not on my watch!” said Capt. Theremin. And what followed was two months of all-out war, hand-to-hand combat with grasshoppers and lobsters, and the horrid stench of scorched and boiled arthropod bodily fluids. At last the famous pop-stars were returned home to a planet orbiting Taygeta, unraped and unharmed. All this, far more than Alastair signed-up for. He worked for an intergalactic merchant fleet, nor a Royal navy. All Alastair wanted to do right now was smoke primo Pacific Northwest weed and enjoy a few local girls.


**Christmas with the Starship Rimshot Girls**


Human to human sex has specific limitations. For example, most boys have only one mouth, so they can only lick one pussy at a time. The best they can do is have two or three girls wide open on a king-size bed, and move from one to the other. Also, most human females have only one vagina, which limits the number of cocks she can hold inside her at one time. Four at most, if she has two in her mouth. **Trying to cram two cocks into one vagina, or two cocks into one anus, at the same time is usually not possible or practical.** Far too much stretching of tender tissues. And really not much fun. It’s far too much work for everyone.

A better, easier and more pleasant solution to all these limitations is to order a specialty-bot from Dr. Praxilion’s Group-Sexbot Multipurpose Android All-Species Intergalactic Catalogue. Having invented several hundred bots for all purposes, **Dr. Praxilion decided to create a specialty-line of designer-bots, made to order. Diversity is key to success.** The deep-sea Europa octopus-people have no use for sex-bots with human form. Earth-girls seem to prefer, semi-human form, but some girls really, really get-off with alien-lifeform droids, reptilians, insectoids, and the ever-popular sea-cucumber-jellyfish, who can enter all the girl’s orifices at once, and spurt cream into all of them simultaneously. Oh. My. God. **Warm, smooth cucumber-flesh in mouth, anus and vagina gushing streams of hot cum!! It just doesn’t get any better!!**


**Christmas with the Starship Rimshot Girls**


Ten years in the saddle did not prepare Fergus McFerrin for the rocking hips of three Austin cowgirls. And the girls could not stop laughing! How sweet it is to bag a prime buck, with cash in his pocket and time to kill. Fergus has many groupies, but when Tammy grabbed his ass, and shoved a bottle of 40-year-old oak barrel scotch into his hand, well…. Fergus paid attention. Moments later, Amber and Rosalee were pushing him into a cab, with Tammy close behind… Roaring off from the Dell Diamond Rodeo in the general direction of Austin. Truly, Fergus had no idea where he was. In the back of the cab, all he could see was six large naked breasts, and tan thighs. The cab driver could not stop laughing. The girls could not stop laughing:

“We are going to Church, Fergus! You must repent all your sins!” yelled Amber.

“Praise the Lord, and His Creation of Cowboys!” yelled Tammy.

“We will sacrifice you on the Velvet Altar, and make sure you see Lord Jesus!” yelled Rosalee.


**Christmas with the Starship Rimshot Girls**


Capt. Theremin has little experience with self-doubt. At 55-years old, he has flown most every type of modern space vessel, and visited twelve star-systems. His current job, as senior commander of the long-haul freighter, Starship Rimshot, has proven his mastery of both navigation and confident even-handed management of his crew. After all this, as he looks out his cabin window, seeing the large Red Eye of Jupiter in partial eclipse behind the gray surface of Ganymede, our Capt. has doubts. Laying on his bed, with her smooth thighs wide open, Delonia, Queen of the Vega Star-System, smiles and plays with her erect nipples. Our Capt. knows his aging body is up for any pleasant playtime with human females, but his love for Delonia overwhelms his reason. He is obsessed with her beauty and her laughter. No words enter his mind. Only joy. Only intense sexual desire.


**Christmas with the Starship Rimshot Girls**


**Testament of Tracy**

My name is Tracy Swift. I am the girl in Zebulon, North Carolina, the happy girl Roscoe pumped in the ass on his first visit to North Carolina. At the time, Billy Nordquist was looking to join the Sacred Followers Lodge in Zebulon. Tina and Susie were both initiated Followers before Billy and I came into the Lodge. Susie told me she sucked Billy for a long, long time that first time Billy joined the Rituals. That sucking was going on while Roscoe was inside me. I could not help myself. I had fallen in love with Roscoe within one week, and I needed to have him in my booty. And other kinds of sex was not good enough for me, with this beautiful, tender, elderly gentlemen, and his wacky sex cult!

During my second or third meeting of our Lodge, I remember Bill had a wonderful time eating both Tina and Susie, while Amber Riverwood sucked Billy’s lovely, long cock. He came in Amber’s mouth, and she swallowed his semen, with a big smile on her face. I love Amber’s dimples, when she smiles.


**Christmas with the Starship Rimshot Girls**


Because Susie proved herself a spiritually enlightened droid, having shared her consciousness with Jenny and Dr. Praxilion, she drew the attention of the Semen-Pope. He needed an Oral Sex Instructor in his Sacred Jizz Temple in Seattle, Washington. Her oral interview went exceptionally well, and Susie was hired immediately. Susie’s first job was to rustle-up some business, get some horny young men and horny bisexual women through the Temple Gates, masturbating joyfully before the Altar of Come.

Android Susie posted a video on several x-rated sites frequented by horny Pacific Northwest humans between the ages of 15 and 30. That was her target audience. The first video was made specifically for male humans. Below is the narrative of **Android Susie’s Epistle to the Washingtonians.**

“Jack it for me. Take off those pants and get comfortable. I am Holy Sister Susie. An android girl, former sex-bot to diamond miners of Pavonis Mons, and living in British Columbia, in the woods, in Canada. In the Meditation Centers of the Semen-Pope, I teach oral sex. I teach fifty ways to suck, lick, kiss, and caress miraculous erect cocks.


**Christmas with the Starship Rimshot Girls**


Cosmic Bliss Township on Ganymede is much like Las Vegas, with far more variety: lizard and insectoid live sex shows, chorus-lines of hermaphrodites jacking-off, brothels for all lifeforms with cash. Humans find a wide, exotic spectrum of male and female body-types and sexual inclinations, with 99.9% probability of complete satisfaction for any kink or fantasy. Once a year the Yragoth Triplets, Princesses of Alpha Centauri travel to Cosmic Bliss to enjoy cosplay and orgies. They dress-up as space sluts, visit casinos, Turkish bath-houses, German bondage dungeons, ready for action, mostly instigating the action themselves.

Ethly, Bryol and Kyrm each chose a raunchy character: Ethyl, the dominatrix, with breasts pushed forward in black snake-skin cones, only the breast tips and nipples revealed. The snake-skin suit

hugs her bubble-butt, split open for easy access to her anus, and completely crotch-less. Bryol plays the school-girl, as in the fiction novel by Mokosh, “Vagina Eager School-Girls of Regulus IV.” She wears a short, green and blue Scottish plaid skirt, a tight red thong dividing her ass-cheeks, with a prep-school blazer, buttoned-up below her plump nude breasts. Kyrm is the shy Texas girl-next-door, with pig-tails and thick glasses. She wears tight blue jeans, and blue-jean jacket. Under the jacket, only a thin white t-shirt covers her large breasts, her dark brown nipples clearly visible through the fabric.


Christmas with the Starship Rimshot Girls


Saints come in all shapes and sizes. Some come and come and come, and just keep having orgasms until their religious followers join in, or go way disgusted. Few serious-minded religious people consider masturbation a legitimate and worthwhile form of prayer. This disparaging view is an Old Earth-born piece of nonsense, from onanism in the Old Testament, as if that old book was the most accurate description of Universal Reality.

As with many old books, the doctrines of Judaism, Christianity and Islam were taught and pushed, and promoted as accurate descriptions of reality, many centuries past their expiration date. They become stale, moldy and unhealthy in all ways. People only ate the stale sandwiches, because no one was presenting them with better, healthy spiritual food. When no accurate descriptions of reality are available, people often believe what they are told. The loudest, most widely distributed or most charismatic ideas dominate the decade, or many decades, and limit the imaginations of millions of people.


**Christmas with the Starship Rimshot Girls**


There is lots of time to think about cock when a girl is trapped at home, cleaning poopy-butt, changing diapers and keeping the lovely little brats entertained. What Tammy really wants, deeply, truly desires with every fiber of her tired body is this: one or more, long, think young cocks pumping her from behind, the men grabbing her ass in strong hands, as they slam inside her, often forcing her face down into pillows…to shut her up as she screamed her orgasms. Even her fantasy men know her orgasmic screaming will wake the baby, and that would be a quick end to all the fun. It is simply not possible to take big cock in the ass, or in the mouth, or full and lovely in one’s pussy while a baby is screaming it’s frikkin’ little head off in the next room. So Mommy’s loud mouth, must get shoved into a pillow.

This horrible lack of fuck-time, and horrible lack of available cocks can make a girl stir-crazy, as if locked-up in a cozy prison with no bars, with plenty of cash, and all the comforts of home—with no time to suck cock, and no cocks to suck! Fuck me! Tammy thought this would drive her to drink, or smoke more weed, or pop more pills. Fuck me! Something needs to change, and damn quick!