Waking Nightmares (MF) (Demon sex, rape) Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Wake up, sleepyhead,” Amber said. “Your two little angels need some time with their mom.”

Emily smirked as she slowly shook the silk-like covers off. “‘Little angels?’ That’s the best you could do?”

“Well, it always seems to get a smile out of everyone the first time they hear it.” Amber’s white bra and panties contrasted nicely with her chocolate-colored skin. It didn’t leave much to the imagination, but that was typical of the outfits that the demons had given them. After getting out of bed, she chose out a mostly transparent negligee with some lacy bottom underwear.
The hall where Emily and her fellow captives slept was surprisingly cheery for what amounted to a sex slave dungeon. The demons brought in all sorts of things to keep the girls entertained when they weren’t being used, including books, board games, and even a TV and video game console. Around this particular dorm, about 16 other women were sleeping or mulling about. Two beds were left unoccupied, as their inhabitants had both gone into labor. She made a mental note to check on them and see how they were doing. Once she had took a slight drink of water, she and Amber left the dorm building.
The Hadean landscape was odd, to say the least. There was no sun, with the entire sky emitting a dull red glow. This glow periodically faded and re-intensified, giving the world “days”, although they seemed to be a bit shorter than Earths. The ground was gray and soft, with the stone and building seemingly derived from these sediments. Emily’s new home appeared to be located at the bottom of a box canyon. While there was a few places where someone could probably climb out, this was more or less impossible for a different reason.

Waking Nightmares (Part 3)

The last few days had been mostly a blur.

After Sarah revealed to Jane that the ritual failed a second time, Jane hadn’t shown any sympathy for her. In fact, her reaction was quite the opposite: she had accused Sarah of being stubborn and refusing to let go of her “materialistic preconceptions.” Sarah was frustrated, but couldn’t figure out what to say- after all, Jane’s ritual had clearly done something, and if it didn’t work fully it was probably due to her side of the equation. The two of them ended up storming back to their respective rooms in silence.

Sarah bought some sleeping pills from the nearest pharmacy, and used them for the next three nights. While she woke up each morning noticing a few minor scratches, it seemed like the demons weren’t able to screw her if she was unable to gain consciousness. However, when she went to buy a larger pack on the fourth day, the pharmacist refused to sell her any. When she asked why, he simply said “Doctors orders. Talk to him and then we’ll see.” Sarah didn’t know what this was about- the doctor that she normally met had no connection to the pharmacy, and when she called him he didn’t understand the issue. In any case, she was going to have to go through this night without any assistance.

Waking Nightmares (Part 2)

Sarah woke up in the morning before any of her roommates did. At first, she believed that she had been having a nightmare earlier. However, as she walked over to the bathroom, she realized that she was aching all over. When she walked into the restroom and checked the mirror, She could not only see bruises from Lynch’s paws but alsowhen she ran her hands over her face she could feel some of his precum still there. She went into the shower, where she furiously tried to scrub any trace of the beast off her. Luckily it was the middle of February, so nobody would question the well-concealing outfit she picked out that day.

Throughout her classes that day, Sarah tried to ignore what had happened. No matter how hard she tried to stay focused on her lectures, though, her mind kept drifting back to the events of the previous day. At one point in her Molecular biology class her lab partner tapped her on the shoulder while she was spacing out, and she recoiled backwards in fright. “What’s the matter?” he asked, looking visibly concerned. “Nothing, I’m just feeling a bit stressed today” she replied. Her partner seemed unconvinced but knew better than to push the issue further.

Waking Nightmares (MF) (Rape, demon, throat-fuck)

**Premise: A 20-old college student suffering from sleep paralysis receives strange advice from a Wiccan friend about her problem, and decides to put it to the test. Unfortunately, her supposed friend’s advice turns out to be worse than she could have possibly imagined…**

[For reference, here’s an image showing roughly what the antagonist looks like.](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1503331-sleep-paralysis-demon)

Sarah Green slowly lied down in her bunk bed. Feeling exhausted- there had been three different quizzes earlier that day- she pulled up the covers. Despite being tired, she couldn’t help but feel a bit hopeful. If what her friend had told her worked this night, she would be rid of a problem that had plagued her for her entire life.

Sarah’s first experience with sleep paralysis had took place when she was only a child. When it happened, a strange dark figure had walked into her room and ran his hands over her face, all the while whispering strange things into her ears. When she asked her mother, she was told that this happened to everyone in her family. As she grew older, the encounters turned from a rare nightmare into something that took place almost once every week.