The Good Witch

Sam needed to clear his head. For weeks there was a looming and antagonising buildup of mental pressure. Persistent and unshaking. The woods. He needed to get away from it all.

Early that fine Friday morning Sam did just that. Alone, he just walked off. He’d taken an extra day off to make a long weekend. There were plenty of trails around his town. The only things with him were contained in a small back pack; snacks and water. He had finally set off.

Alone with his thoughts, naturally he daydreamed as he walked. About life, and well, everything. He drifted in thought to his next holiday and the things around the house he needed to fix. He lamented on previous relationships gone by. And that fuelled a few thoughts about sex and his more adventurous experiences with women. Taking in the sunshine, he stood and looked around the outcrop he’d come to. He felt as if he was king of the world – a small valley laid out below him. The trails, though never usually very busy, were exceptionally quiet this weekday. Horny from his kinky recollections, Sam took off his backpack, pulled his pants around his ankles and begun to masturbate. He’d done this a few times in nature as a teenager – there was just something so wrong, yet so right about being naked amongst the wilderness. Satisfying a primal taboo desire, Sam edged himself there on the rocky ledge overlooking the valley. A blissful minute later he shot his ejaculate, with surprising force, off the little cliff and into the shrubs below. Sated, and now weary of the boldness of his actions, he couldn’t shake the feeling he was watched.