The Beach Pt. 3

After yet another steamy shower, I tan back to my place to get changed for the evening. Ashley told me to dress casually and that this was another one of those “local” spots that not many knew about.

I made fairly quick work of it back at my place. Freshened up, enjoyed a beer on the deck, and then dressed myself for the evening. 4:45 PM. I’m a bit early. She said we could head out from her place around six. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind the early company, I reasoned.

Back at her place, she answers the door wearing a thin bathrobe. I wasn’t really sure if it’s function, because there’s no way that little of fabric would dry your body or keep you warm, and there’s no way that as thin as it was, you’re keeping curious minds from wondering what’s underneath. It was all null and void as we walked back up to her bedroom and she let the robe fall to the floor. Walking slowly away from me, making sure my view was a good one, she said, “relax on the bed if you’d like; I’m almost finished getting ready.” She said.

The Beach Pt. 2

It was on the way back that I realized, Ashley had only bought groceries for what I would assume is one person. That, and she loaded them into a wire out Jeep Wrangler that looks to be the perfect beach buggy. Maybe I was wrong in assuming she had a husband. Maybe not, he very well could be back at her house or golfing or working or anything if that nature.

The rest of my first day down was pretty simple. A cooler packed with a few cold beers and waters and a Gulf sunset on the beach. After sundown, I came back and read for a bit out on the balcony until it came time for my “work.” I went down to the pool and into the small pool house to flip the heat pump on. Everything seemed to turn on just fine as I walked around the pool and took in the outdoor scenery. The backyard of this place was mostly private. Tall palms seemed to block any neighboring views on the two sides with houses. With that in play and the night well into darkness, I decided to just strip down and dive right in.

The Beach Pt. 1

Work has been crazy these past couple of months. With things picking back up in the industry, I’ve seen the overtime at work picking up as well. Three months of thirteen on and one off has more than took its toll on my mind, body, and soul; not to mention, these are twelve hour days I’m putting in. It was time for a change of seen and a chance to reset myself.

“I’m using my vacation time, I need to get away for a bit. I figure with things starting to level out, now is as good a time as any,” I told my boss one morning.

“Good! You know things are still rolling on, but you have put in more than exceptional work lately. How much are you taking?” he asked with a fraudulent excitement.

“Two weeks. I have it saved up and with this overtime, I have plenty of extra dollars to fold.” I tell him matter of factly.