While browsing craigslist I came across an ad of a girl selling her underwear. Without thinking it too much, I reply to the add asking her to sell her pee instead of the underwear. To my surprise she is ok with it.
Fast forward 2 hours, I am in Starbucks waiting for her. It is not long before she comes in. She is about 23, brunette. A very pretty next-door girl kind of girl.
She sits with me and we start chatting and getting to know each other, until we get interrupted by a phone call. She says it is important and gets up to answer it.
5 minutes later she comes back and puts her coffee cup in front of me, giving me the look…
I look at her like stupid. I pick up the cup, remove the lid and can see it. Her hot sexy gold liquid is filling half the cup.
Without losing any more time, I bring it to my mouth and start gulping it down, while she is maintaining eye contact..