I became a “free use” object for a week-end camping trip [FMM]

In my second year of college, I was kind of broke. No, not kind of broke – absolutely broke. I refused to go into debt and while I worked part-time at a good grocery store (the kind that pays way above minimum wages), it was barely enough to pay tuition, rent, utilities and a bit of food. I’m not going to say that I starved, but my budget for food was a couple of dollars a day. This in effect meant I had very little money to do, well, pretty much anything else.

I did go to bars quite often, and got my fair share of drinks paid by men, but this was the extent of the fun I could have. After a tough term, I was really exhausted, and badly needed vacations to rest and recover. I looked at trip at some beach places, but hey, there was no way I could even think about affording that.