I fucked a girl under the shower of an indoor adventure pool because I was bigger than her bf [MF]

So this happened a few years back when I was still doing my bachelor’s degree. The city I used to live in back then had an adventure pool kindish thing that was pretty cool but also too expensive for us students. Normally, that is, because one friend of mine once had a one-time job where she gave a way discount coupons of local establishment, one of them being said adventure pool.

Apparently, those coupons weren’t as asked for as anticipated though and at the end of the day she just took all or most of the remaining coupons for herself, including a lot of those pool coupons which allowed us to just pay a fraction of the ordinary prize when we showed up there after 6pm. The pool was open until 11pm on most days so we had the possibility to go there really cheap for up to five hours a lot and we started to take that opportunity up a lot and pretty soon we had a steady group of eight people that met up to go there (although we never were eight people, usually four to six at a time).

A girl heard from a friend that I’m good in bed and have a big dick so she wanted to stay at my place after partying [MF]

So this is a relativelyshort story because it is rather uncomplicated. There was an on-campus party at my old university, a female friend of mine and I stayed the longest there out of our friend group and in the end we partied with another girl we knew from studying, Alex. She recently finished her studies and moved back to her hometown so she planned on sleeping at a friend’s but that friend already left and Alex wasn’t to keen on going to her place either for some reason.

So when the party ended she asked what my friend and I wanted to do, my friend said she wanted to go home but I said I’d be down for an after party and Alex suggested to go to my place to which I agreed. When we arrived there, I started a bit of music offered her a beer and we danced a bit in my kitchen. It was summer so Alex was wearing hotpants and a top which she knotted around her waist at the lower end, setting free her belly and waist. She is fairly tall, has brown hair, a slim, sporty body and pretty small tits. She also had a bf back then which casually came up some time earlier that night.

On [M]y graduation trip, I shared a room with two girls and still had sex with others during the week [MFF] [MF]

Since I mentioned it in my last post, I decided to make a post about my graduation trip after finishing school. The trip took place after I graduated from my local “high school” (or the equivalent we have here) a few years ago. I and everyone else I was hooking up there was 18 at the time.

So a couple of months before we (a group of 20 people from the roughly 80 that graduated that year) were going, we had to allocate the hotel rooms. There were options for rooms of 2 and 3 with being in a room of 3 of course having been cheaper. So everyone looked for one or two partners to share a room with and I was asked by two girls, let’s call them Leandra and Alissa, if I wanted to share a room with them to which I of course said yes. I have had sex with both of them before a few times, although Alissa was in a very fresh relationship at that point so I haven’t slept with her the weeks prior. Her then-boyfriend was from another school and from a few kilometres away, he didn’t have any friends at all at our school so we agreed to not tell anyone from outside of our school that I was on their room and as far as I know that worked and the bf didn’t know about it until after they broke up. With Leandra though, I had occasional hookups every few weeks or so.

I fucked [M]y former [F]rench teacher after I graduated from school

Back in school we had a hot French teacher who I had in 8th and 10th grade. She was in her Mid-30s and a single mom back then. She had brown, curly hair, a nice body (she dances competitively) and big breasts, especially for her body. Back when she was my teacher, we boys were always lusting over her tits whenever she wore something with cleavage (which was rarely the case though). However, she didn’t like me as a student and I opted not to do French in 11th and 12th grade.

After I finished school, there was a graduation ball though which she also attended and where she approached me. We talked for a bit which was rather surprising since I haven’t had anything to do with her for two years. At the end of our small talk she asked if I wanted to hang out with her at her place ten days from then when the father of her son was on vacation with her son. I said sure and she gave me her phone number. After that we haven’t talked that night and since I went on graduation trip the next day (another post-worthy occasion), I didn’t text her until after I returned over a week later. After I texted her, she asked me to come by the next day and sent me her address.

The party was fun already but I had even more fun afterwards [M]

Since some people messaged me that they liked my first story and asked me to post more stories I thought I’d post about this experience since it’s another party-related one.

So during the years I pursued my bachelor’s degree I made some friends who were a year ahead of me at university and all a little bit older. I was the only one from my year of studying (hope it’s understandable what I mean, I don’t know if there is an English word for that) who hung out with them although I didn’t do that super often and they were not my primary circle of friends at the time.

However, four of those shared a flat and when most of them were about to get their degree they hosted a party at theit place to which I was invited and went to. It was a great party, I knew many but not all of the people there and I think I was the youngest person at the party (I was 20 at the time). Much of the party is not relevant to the story but I think everyone had a great time. Who is relevant to the story however is one of the other guests that we will call Jeanette for this story.

My first year in college, taking part in a drinking and stripping game was worthwile [M]

So this happened over six years ago a few months after I started attending university, so I was 18 at the time (it was like a week or two before my 19th birthday). I have to say I was always viewed as attractive by girls and had lots of action during my school years already, despite not having been in a serious relationship ever. Naturally, this trend continued when I started attending university so I have no shortage of stories I could post here (and maybe I will) but I have to start with something and as I have recently reminisced about this, I decided to post about a party at the flat of one of my fellow students and her two housemates to which I was invited.

The fellow student was one of the girls I occasionally hooked up with during that time but nobody (aside from my roommate) knew since she was a little bit prude and didn’t want people to think she was slutty. She invited many people we were studying with but since she had two roommates, there were lots of people at the party that I didn’t know before. Her female roommate studied sports so there were also quite a few sports students, girls and boys, with pretty athletic bodies.