Your Wife’s Diary [F37/M47] [BDSM] [Slice of Life]

Dear diary,

I woke up this morning at 5 a.m. as usual. I put the dogs out, relieved myself, washed my hands, then made his coffee. Three scoops, purified water not the distilled. I took out the dinner that I had made last night and packaged some leftovers. He really loves my casseroles. I put them in his lunch bag, along with a note. It reads:

“To my love, I hope your day goes well. I will be waiting when you get home.”

I put the bag back in the fridge and let the dogs in. I went to his closet, grabbed the ironing board, and set it up. I grab the iron and the spray bottle and set them on the board. I plug in the iron. I reach into his closet and I take out his suit. Dry cleaned. But his shirt is a little wrinkled. I lay it on the board and take the iron to it. And just a few moments later, his shirt is crisp and white. I hang them all up, and wait for the clock to change.

Stay at Home Mom [F37/M43]

Good Morning,

My name is Sidney and I am 37 years old. I’ve been married to Bob (not his real name), my elementary school sweetheart, for 19 years. As a mother of 4 things can be a bit scattered. We attend a Christian church, and I do believe in God and adore my husband. But, as I’m sure you can tell by my messaging you, I’m unfulfilled. 

The last 10 years have become routine. Wake up at 5 AM, make coffee, get showered, dressed. Make lunches and get homework ready. Wake up Bob and get his clothes out for work. Drive the kids to school. Drive home. Kiss Bob bye and clean. Always cleaning. Dishes, toys, Stove, the counters, sweep, mop, vacuum, clear the girl’s sink off, start the laundry. Have lunch if I remember. Pay bills, go to the grocery store, pick up the kids from school, drop off at (insert sport here) practice, Visit the post office, go home, unload groceries, thank (insert friend’s mom here) for dropping off my perfect little demon spawn, start dinner, kiss Bob hello, help with homework, eat, put food away, do the dishes, wipe the counters, sweep the floor, mop, get kids in bed, watch half a show with Bob while I stress the importance of sleep to children that never do, kiss bob good night, take a shower, climb in bed and rest.

Dear Diary… [F21/M48]

Dear diary,

I woke up this morning at 5 a.m. as usual. I put the dogs out, relieved myself, washed my hands, then made his coffee. Three scoops, purified water not the distilled. I took out the dinner that I had made last night and packaged some leftovers. He really loves my casseroles. I put them in his lunch bag, along with a note. It reads:

“To my love, I hope your day goes well. I will be waiting when you get home.”

I put the bag back in the fridge and let the dogs in. I went to his closet, grabbed the ironing board, and set it up. I grab the iron and the spray bottle and set them on the board. I plug in the iron. I reach into his closet and I take out his suit. Dry cleaned. But his shirt is a little wrinkled. I lay it on the board and take the iron to it. And just a few moments later, his shirt is crisp and white. I hang them all up, and wait for the clock to change.