The Urge [MF, public teasing]

Through the glare of the flashing lights put up around the house, she finds her way to the host, Daniel. Daniel knows everyone, and is arguably the tallest one there, looming over her at 6’2. Knowing him to be the most popular one around, she knows he must have seen Nate, the boy she was so desperate to find. She yells a little over the music blaring in her ears, trying to catch his attention.

“Daniel! hey, over here!” he turns around, and looks down to meet her gaze. “Hey! Kassie, right? how are u liking the party?” The songs continue in the background as she responds. “It’s so awesome here, thank you so much for asking me to come! I was wondering, have you seen Nate?” “Your boyfriend? I saw him head to the drink about 5 minutes ago, he might still be there.”

She turns her head and looks, trying once again to see over the crowd. Nodding to Daniel, she nudges her way through the crowd and slowly finds her way to the most populated area in the house, chock full of empty beer bottles and shot glasses. Slowly, Kassie finds herself at the corner of the kitchen table, where she scanned the faces and saw her target.

The Legend of Iota

Emilia arrives at the abandoned church that has been shut down for more than 100 years. An old nun approaches Emilia with a gentle smile on her face “Welcome Sister Emilia welcome to the Tavern Del Soledo.”

Emilia bows her head “Thank you, Sister Sophia. I appreciate the welcome. That must be done to be reopening the church.” She stares at the large church home almost the size of a castle with its holy wooden oak doors with a cross on each door. They both walked in as they spoke looking around the church “We do need to settle new cleaning areas in the main stage for the pastor. It will need lots of work so I’ll be sure to bring more sisters to come and help “Said Sophia as she walked past Emilia, “Sure Sister Sophia. I will organize the library and be sure to get the stage cleaning so we can have it ready for our new guest.”

As soon as Sophia left, she decided to get busy in the library where she put the book away and dust the shelves. She then found a map in a book of the devils helps “A mapping of the church itself I wonder what it led too. She decided to follow the map direction that led her to an underground cellar.”

Legends Of Iota

Emilia arrives at the abandoned church that has been shut down for more than 100 years. An old nun approaches Emilia with a gentle smile on her face “Welcome Sister Emilia welcome to the Tavern Del Soledo.”

Emilia bows her head “Thank you, Sister Sophia. I appreciate the welcome. That must be done to be reopening the church.” She stares at the large church home almost the size of a castle with its holy wooden oak doors with a cross on each door. They both walked in as they spoke looking around the church “We do need to settle new cleaning areas in the main stage for the pastor. It will need lots of work so I’ll be sure to bring more sisters to come and help “Said Sophia as she walked past Emilia, “Sure Sister Sophia. I will organize the library and be sure to get the stage cleaning so we can have it ready for our new guest.”

As soon as Sophia left, she decided to get busy in the library where she put the book away and dust the shelves. She then found a map in a book of the devils helps “A mapping of the church itself I wonder what it led too. She decided to follow the map direction that led her to an underground cellar.”