Accidental Roleplay [FM]

This particular encounter was recent.

I play a game called Dead by Daylight. Pretty popular title, fun to play, stressing to say the least but I love a good chase.

I’m a Legion main, Susie in particular, and I’m a big enough fan of that gang that I bought two of the masks online that I use to tease some friends on Discord with.

So I’m having a match, chasing some players around, when I notice that one of them had a name with my hometown and what I correctly assumed was his first name.

It’s a wipe for them. Bad map for Survivors, but we all had a good time from what I figured so I sent the guy a message with our area code and asked if he was actually from there.

He replies in the affirmative and we get to chatting about how much we hate our little town, compliment our match together, pleasant chat over PS messages that only gets interrupted when I have another match or two.

Fraternization [FM]

I was a Specialist at the time. My MOS was 68W, or *Health Care Specialist* as the Army likes to name it. Basically a Combat Medic, but I hadn’t deployed at all at the time.

Our NCOIC, Staff Sergeant, was a guy in his late thirties, about 5’11” to my 5’4″, body made for running and lifting, which is what he made our section do every morning instead of PT on the battalion footprint.

He just couldn’t make the tie right on his dress blues.

Me, being a high-speed low-drag go-getter trying to make points, had that stuff on lock.

I’d met him and his wife at the cookouts he’d throw, inviting our little section of four Joes and two other E-5s that bickered constantly about how to fill up our supply room.

She was a good woman. Polite and just the best fucking host I’ve ever seen, no snarky shit that a lot of the wives would give me when they saw me working with their husbands.

Three day weekend comes. Three day for me, at least, since two of the other medics were on hospital duty. Lucky me, since I got to stay in my barracks room, order some chicken wings, and play some For Honor.