An Arrangement, Introduction [M/F]

Hello fellow dirty minds of reddit. Sophie here. First time posting. Quick obligatory crap out of the way:

I’m all for consent and this is just for fun (mine and hopefully yours) and just a bit about me:

35, Female from the US.

I hope you enjoy, and if so let me know and I’ll keep it up. (Pun very much intended.)

Gabriel motioned for the waitress’s attention and turned back to his company, “I was starting to think I wouldn’t hear from you.”
Scarlett looked up into his dark eyes and shrugged. “Things have changed.” She watched him order a bottle of ‘his usual’ and two glasses. She confirmed she still took ice in hers and watched the waitress as she walked away to retrieve the order.
“I take it that means you have reconsidered my offer?” he asked. She nodded and he continued, “Good. I’ve thought about you often. The timing works out perfectly. My contract with my former ended a month ago and my wife left last week for a three-month cruise. And before you start to worry, yes, she knows and approves my extracurricular activities. She thinks you are just “a doll” as she puts it. I bet she hopes you’ll still be around when she comes home. Where are you staying now?”
“That’s part of the problem. My live-in boyfriend and roommate have told me that they’ve been fucking for a year and I’m no longer welcome to live there.”