Delayed Flight [MF]

First time poster. This happened back in 2008. Sorry about the length.

I was heading back home from a trip to the East Coast (lived on the West Coast of the U.S at the time), on a flight that had a short layover in a city in the Midwest. It was suppossed to be a short layover, maybe 2 hours, but when I got there, myself and the others that were on our flight were told that there were some problems with our plane and that our flight got delayed till the next day. I was upset at first, but they gave us all vouchers for a night at a nearby hotel along with breakfast, and since I wasn’t in any hurry to get home, I didn’t mind.

The airline arranged for a shuttle bus to take us all to a nearby hotel, and I figured I’d go sightseeing or something. But as we got closer and closer to the hotel, I realized it was in the middle of nowhere. It seemed like it would be a night of watching T.V.