Mom’s version of how it all started. [MF]

I asked my mom to write her version of how we first got together. Enjoy!

I’m writing this again as a tribute to the start of my sexual relationship with my oldest son.

It was a Saturday night in the summer of 1989. The family had been invited to a wedding of a family friend. We were going to go together but at the last minute I remember my oldest saying he would meet us there. I had no idea what would be happening later that night.

The wedding goes without a hitch and I have already caught the eye of many of my husband’s friends. My dress is form fitting and very flattering of my curves. I’m looking like a good little whore. We dance and enjoy our bottle while my youngest is out and about with his lil friends. My oldest shows up at the reception and immediately I notice he is all about me. He’s not 21 yet but he sits down and serves himself up a drink. We all toast and talk about the wedding and who all is there at the wedding. I take notice of his eyes. They never leave me.