Under His Desk – Part 3

She scurried off to the kitchen to make lunch, the pain in her nipples subsiding a bit as time went on. She was pretty sure he had a scene planned for after they ate so she didn’t want to commit to making anything too crazy. After some debating she decided on sandwiches. As she moved around the kitchen she could feel every little tug, every tiny sway, in her nipples. The clamps made sure she didn’t forget that she was just a pain slut for his pleasure.

When she had finished getting everything together, she set the plates and drinks on the table and called him to eat. As she waited for him to enter she took her seat next to his chair – on the floor, knees spread wide, pussy on display, back straight, chest out, wrists locked to elbows behind her back – and this is where she waited for him and until he released her to eat.

Under His Desk – Part 2 [M/F]

Princess curled up tightly into a ball on her bed, trying to get as comfortable as possible. She lay there, goosebumps forming as it is that time of year when the air is starting to chill, hoping Sir will be nice enough to turn on the little gray space heater for her soon. She heard him move in his chair so she looked up, resting in his hand that was extended out to her, was a pair of earbuds – the comfy kind she can sleep in not the raddy old ones that hurt her ears (she was right that she would get a reward for being early!). She happily reached out to them and slipped them on waiting to see what he might have her listening to today. He changed it daily, sometimes it was hypno files he found or recorded himself, sometimes it was positive self affirmations (her least favorite), and at very rare times it was her most liked Spotify playlist. Today it was a hypnotic file aimed at changing her to be a better toy for him, she wasn’t complaining, at least it wasn’t the affirmations file! She curled back into her ball and heard the “click” of the heater as it kicked on, she purred quietly, happily floating, as she laid her head down next to his feet and fell into a slight slumber.

Under His Desk [MF]

She sits there, inside, waiting. She doesn’t mind though, in here she’s safe, warm, happy. Not as happy as she is out there of course, with Him. She, however, knows that that is not her place to be right now, He decides. He decides everything. Everything.

Inside the lovely black wire crate she felt at home. This is where she belonged. In the corner of his home office. Waiting for him to need her. For him to want her. For him to use her. Sitting, waiting.

As he watched. She didn’t know that of course, that he was watching. The little camera he had set up to make sure she was safe. He would never actually leave her without knowing she was not in or going to be in any danger. And the camera let him see what she did when she thought he wasn’t looking, if there were any non-permission touches, for example. Obviously the camera was for safety, but it was the little perks like this that made it all that better.