21 [MF] Reddit Meets – I hooked up with a woman I met on Reddit! – Part 2

First of all, apologies for the long update time, I lost access to this Reddit account and just recently got it back, only to find more than a few DMs from people asking for a part 2. I’d already had it written but didn’t have an opportunity to post it since I stupidly lost my password; but better late than never it seems! My original plan was to split this into 3 parts but I’ll include everything here as a thank you for waiting around.

Obligatory – since it’s been so long since I’ve updated, I’m now 22!

Secondly, thank you to everyone that read the first part and gave me lots of lovely feedback!

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ut4zw0/21_mf_reddit_meets_success_stories/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) for anyone that’s missed it.

And now onto the story!


Val (my date) and I were standing next to the river. I had her pinned up against the railing and she had just proclaimed that she needed to take me home and cum on my face. I must have looked a little dumbstruck at that because she giggled as soon as she looked at my face.

21 [MF] Reddit Meets – Success stories

This is a story about meeting up with a woman I started speaking to on Reddit and it went better than I could have ever imagined. So my lesson learnt is that men can have success doing this too I guess.

I know these stories are often much more fun when you know the backstory so I’m going to start off there and then get to the steamy fun stuff. If you want to skip ahead look for the ———-


A female friend of mine (let’s call her Emily (21F)) is always telling me about how good Reddit is for porn and how I should be using it instead of other sources. I’ve never really paid too much attention as I’m not a heavy porn watcher but she recently introduced me to the concept of r4r subs and that certainly looked much more interesting.

Work started to feel a little slow about 2 months ago and in an attempt to cure my boredom, I made this account to start looking around these r4r subs and figure out how they worked. Obviously, I didn’t have high hopes for anything because “guys horny posting on Reddit surely can’t result in good things”.