I stripped and came for three guys on omegle tonight… [MF]

A bit of a shorter one, but I had some fun so I still wanted to post it :)

If you’ve read my previous posts, you’ll know that going on omegle and messing around with guys is a very common occurrence for me. But tonight was a bit different. For the past few days, I’ve had an idea in my head to make more than one guy cum for me. I think it would be hot to have two or more guys get over the ‘this is kinda gay’ bs, accept that I’m hot and turn them on, and make themselves cum for me. They don’t have to touch each other (although I wouldn’t mind lol) but the idea just really excites me.

So I hopped on omegle wondering if tonight would be the night. I was more bored than horny, so conversation was wanted rather than just stripping down for a guy immediately. I met some nice people and had a few conversations, but none of them really led into anything so that’s not really important. I did scroll across a few groups of guys, but they either weren’t my type or their personalities didn’t really make me want to do anything for them.

I turned him dominant for me ;) [MF]

If you haven’t read my previous posts, I’m extremely submissive. I love to be dominated and told what to do. I love when I’m praised on how obedient I am. I often tell guys that I want them to do what they want to me and that I don’t want a choice. I think taking control every once in a while could be fun but for the most part, I like to be the one following instruction (although I am a pretty big brat hehe). I like it a bit rough and I’m a big fan of some light degrading. Now I love all that but I’m also a pretty soft person, so I just want to be held and cuddled and loved on after being fucked so hard that I cant speak or walk.

All that to say, it really sucks when I meet a guy who’s not into anything like that.

I turned him dominant for me :) [MF]

If you haven’t read my previous posts, I’m extremely submissive. I love to be dominated and told what to do. I love when I’m praised on how obedient I am. I often tell guys that I want them to do what they want to me and that I don’t want a choice. I think taking control every once in a while could be fun but for the most part, I like to be the one following instruction. I like it a bit rough and I’m a big fan of some light degrading. Now I love all that but I’m also a pretty soft person, so I just want to be held and cuddled and loved on after being fucked so hard that I cant speak or walk.

All that to say, it really sucks when I meet a guy who’s not into anything like that.

This guy was a bit different in the first place as we met in an odd circumstance. Lets call him Jackson. I was over at my friends house and we usually end up going on omegle just to talk to some new people. When we go on the unrestricted section, it’s as a joke and we’ll rate guys’s dicks but we never show anything. Sometimes if I’m really interested, I’ll slip my snapchat and play it off as a joke for her but what she doesn’t know is that I genuinely have the intentions to mess around with the guys who get my snap.

my fantasy about my coach came true ;) [FM]

So I used to have the fantasy that involved one of my coaches, and one lucky day, it came true hehe. He was very very attractive. He was about 6’2 or 6’3, with a slim and toned build. He had slightly curly brown hair that was kept short and a closely trimmed beard which I loved. Sometimes he’d shave it and it upset me but every time it grew back he looked amazing. He had like perfect white teeth and gorgeous deep green eyes. He was from the Bahamas and constantly had a slight tannish color. He was older than me but still pretty young. Early 20’s. 24 at most. But one thing that was sure was that he was hot lol. Sex on legs.

At first he actually scared me and seemed really intimidating but I ended up talking to him some and he was a really nice guy. His voice was like music in my ears. It was deep and he had this slight accent that I could never place but also never asked about. Anyways, I always found him quite sexy and would always find excuses to come up to him and talk to him at tournaments. Most of these turned into conversations, which were completely innocent, but I still enjoyed them. He was fun to talk to. Most of the time, he’d be watching a game, but I’d be trying my hardest not to see what was going on in his pants. From some previous glimpses I had caught, he seemed to be pretty big, and wow I was right haha.

He teased me for so long. I just had to give it to him. [MF]

This one will be much longer than anything else I’ve posted, but I’m in a mood so here’s another one of my escapades. Another night on omegle, but it wasn’t for sexual satisfaction, I was just bored and wanted to talk to some new people. So I hopped on and started going through and it wasn’t long before I found this guy. We’ll call him James.

I wasn’t really looking in that way but he was pretty attractive to me, so I took note of that. I told myself I’m not gonna rush in or initiate anything but if he started it, depending on how much I enjoy him, I might go along with it. So early conversation was nice and all, nothing too hinting, but then we got on the topic of proportions. All I was wearing that night was a black cami and a little bit of cleavage was visible. James told me that I looked to be somewhat tall based on what he could see and I told him that he was right. What he was surprised to hear was that I have rather thick legs. He said he could tell that I was tall but didn’t figure I had large legs because my upper body/waist looked small. I told him that I play volleyball so my thighs are pretty large and my legs are pretty muscular. I was hoping that it would bring some thoughts about what my full body must look like, and that he found bigger legs attractive. Again, hoping he’d pick something up, I told him that my legs are longer than my torso, but that I’m pretty proportionate from front to back. I was also wondering if he was eyeing or evaluating anything else about my upper body ;)