I used to browse this sub a lot while masturbating as the exhibitionist stories used to really get me going. I remember coming across a post someone made detailing how she went jogging topless, and as she was flat chested she just put on some glasses as a hat and no one could tell she was a girl, and how freeing it was and so on.
Well, I remembered this story this morning when I woke up. I’m an early riser so it was only just beginning to get bright outside, and feeling daring, decided that I was going to go for a run around the park opposite my house without a top on. In the UK, as far as I know, being topless (or nude for that matter) in public is only a crime if it’s done with sexual intent, or if there are children around. So I figured, “hey, there aren’t going to be kids around at 6 in the morning”, and tbh even if there was the park is a very large open space with no coverage from trees or hills or anything, so I would’ve been easily able to see them and just change direction.