[FMM] my cousin got to watch my pussy getting spanked

a few months ago my grandpa who lives across the country started having health issues and needed to stay at the hospital for a really long time so my grandma asked me if i could live with them for a while to help her take care of the house and of my cousin who is living with them. i agreed and have been living with them since.

last week my long term boyfriend came to visit me for a week. one night my grandma was spending the night at the hospital with my grandpa and my boyfriend and i decided to watch a movie with my cousin. we were all sitting on the couch and once the movie was over, a sex ad popped up on the screen. it was a gif of a spread eagle girl fingering herself and notoriously slapping her pussy. my cousin was homeschooled all his life and sheltered by my grandma who is very conservative and religious and wouldnt even let him watch pokemon because she thinks pokemon worship the devil. so naturally he doesnt know much about sex and us being sort of peers he felt like asking us what the girl on the screen was doing to which we tried to explain that she is pleasuring herself. he started asking a lot of questions about how things work and about female anatomy and at some point he asked me if i had a pussy too. funnily i think up until that point he hasnt even thought of me as a woman but just as his cousin. i told him that in fact i do have one too and he asked if i ever pleasured myslf too. we explained him that i do and that we also have sex.