Tournament Season (FM) (one on one)

Another story I wrote a few years ago. Hope you enjoy.

This is my second go at this story; I have added a little more vivid
detail and tried to correct the many errors. Please let me know what
you think.

It is the beginning of the tournament season at the golf course where I work. I have been the tournament director for 3 years, and love every aspect of my job. It gives me the opportunity to work with some very
interesting people. Most of the people that hold tournaments at the course are usually either corporate people holding an outing for their
business, or they are the charitable type of person. Generally speaking they are men in their forties. Occasionally the big wig will throw the tournament organization responsibilities to their secretary;
this usually tends to be more of a pain in the ass, since the secretary doesn’t play golf and has no idea how to run a golf tournament. In any case, this is a story of a special person I met while running one of
these tournaments and an encounter I will never forget.

Lesson Number One (MF) (one on one)

I wrote this a few years ago for another site. Thought it would be fun to share.

It was the beginning of May, and my third season as a golf professional. My job was to teach the golf swing to the most un-athletic people imaginable or so it seemed. Many of my current and past students were of the older variety, when I say old I mean to say as we do in the profession, “the average age is dead”. I was just arriving at the range and planning my first full day of the season. By scanning the schedule, it appeared as though it would be another one of those dull days with students that think that golf comes by osmosis.

Then I noticed a new student on the schedule, at least she was new to me. “Amy – 12:45″. The schedule gave no information as to the student’s general description; I disregarded this as just another lesson.