We don’t “sit down and talk” about it. That’s not how it works between us.
That’s why, by “encouraging her”, I mean, going for the intricate mating dance, where the partners read each other’s body language and pick up on subtle hints to deliver the ultimate experience.
When it works out, it’s amazing. So, “just ask her” and “tell her what you want” isn’t gonna work between us. Every couple communicates in their own ways. And this is how we communicate. Innuendos. That’s what makes our relationship hot, exciting, special and always new. And I believe that’s how nearly all women communicate, from my experience. In certain situations, you can’t just tell women what you want in a blatant way and expect her to do it. One of the things women hate is ‘men asking shit’. Like, can I grab your boobs? Can I kiss you? In their mind it’s going “Gross. I’m gonna feel guilty and if I say yes. Why the fuck are you even asking? Just fucking kiss already.” These are the reasons why Rape Fantasy is very common among women. Guilt free. No need to take accountability for what happened.