It’s Good to be Home (first attempt at erotica – comments/critique/anything welcome)

As I said, my first attempt – worth continuing? Sorry, forgot the category and can't edit the title – [MF] is really all for now.

Levin sat back back in his chair, rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock. 7:35 already and not much to show for another long day. Kyla should be home by now, but wasn't. Her flight must have been delayed. Probably just as well, he would have just been distracted. He tried to remember if they had anything to eat in the apartment; she usually did the shopping and she’d been gone for almost a week.

He raised his arms above his head and stretched, feeling his white dress shirt straining at his biceps. With a resigned sigh, he dropped his arms and closed the lid of his laptop. Just as he was heading to the fridge he heard keys in the lock. Kyla. In an instant the weight of the day lifted from his body. He moved to the door.

Categorized as Erotica