It’s Good to be Home (first attempt at erotica – comments/critique/anything welcome)

As I said, my first attempt – worth continuing? Sorry, forgot the category and can't edit the title – [MF] is really all for now.

Levin sat back back in his chair, rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock. 7:35 already and not much to show for another long day. Kyla should be home by now, but wasn't. Her flight must have been delayed. Probably just as well, he would have just been distracted. He tried to remember if they had anything to eat in the apartment; she usually did the shopping and she’d been gone for almost a week.

He raised his arms above his head and stretched, feeling his white dress shirt straining at his biceps. With a resigned sigh, he dropped his arms and closed the lid of his laptop. Just as he was heading to the fridge he heard keys in the lock. Kyla. In an instant the weight of the day lifted from his body. He moved to the door.

The moment it opened, he grabbed her arm and yanked her inside, pressing her hard against the wall in the entryway and pinning her there with his body. He gave a small smile at her surprised gasp and then his mouth was on hers. Despite her surprise, she responded instantly. She always did, but this time she’d clearly missed him, too. Her arms flew around him. She buried her right hand in his curly, black hair. Her left, palm against his flat stomach, grabbed at his side and pulled him into her by his shirt. Her tongue met his and pushed into his mouth, wet and sweet and velvet.

His left hand slid up her side, lifting her blouse, fingertips barely touching her skin. She shivered, arching her back to press her breasts against him. His thumb grazed the side of her breast through her bra and she sighed.

Kyla grabbed a handful of Levin’s hair, pulled his mouth from hers and guided it to her neck. She breathed heavily. When he pressed his tongue firmly against her neck, just below the corner of her jaw, she released a breathless “Oh”. It might have just been an involuntary exhale, but Levin didn't care which it was. He loved the sounds she made. The sounds he made her make.

There was a ding and a whoosh as the elevator doors opened. “… wrong I’m just saying there was probably a better way to go about it.”

Levin stopped, just barely pulling away from Kyla. He gave her a mischievous grin and raised an eyebrow. With a breathless laugh she shook her head. “One of these days” thought Levin, as he grabbed her carry-on from the hallway and shut the door just before the people passed.

He slowly turned around. Kyla was a few feet inside the apartment staring intently at him, mouth open. He watched her through heavy-lidded, dark eyes. Her arms hung loosely at her sides while she breathed deeply, her beautiful breasts rising and falling, tugging at her blouse. But her stance was tense. She was standing like a fighter, on the balls of her feet. And the look in her eyes was at once wanton and defiant.

This was what he loved, the challenge. Oh, she wanted him to break her; but she was never going to make it easy for him. Everything he would take from her, he would earn. The day it was easy was the day he would lose interest. The day he stopped working for it, she would. They both knew it instinctively, though they’d never discussed it. She waited for his move, alert.

Slowly, he walked over to her until their bodies were barely touching. Her breath caught in her throat. He tilted and bent his head so his lips were just brushing hers and he whispered into them “What’s for dinner?”

She inhaled quickly, a look of surprise and mild frustration in her eyes that wasn't out of line with the I’ll-get-you-for-this smile on her lips.

“I don't know, Levin. Have you bought any food since I’ve been gone?” said Kyla, stepping back.

“Of course not” he scoffed. Then Levin stepped into her, reached his right hand around and grabbed her ass, pulling her into him. His left slid roughly against her face, palm along her cheek, until his fingertips curled hard around the back of her neck and he brought her lips to his. They kissed deeply and his right hand moved down around her ass, his thumb following the crack, his fingers searching lower. He knew she’d be wet, he wondered if he’d be able to feel it through her slacks yet.

A little. Not enough.

He flexed his fingertips in, pressing at the entrance of her wet pussy and sensed her breathing change. Pulling his mouth away, he dragged his lower lip across hers. “Let’s go out then, yeah?” he said breezily then spun around to the kitchen to grab his keys leaving Kyla standing there utterly motionless.

“Are you coming?” he asked.

Kyla gave a short exhale and a little jerk of her head to break the state she was in and then followed him to the door.
